Liga Anglia sezon 20

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Friendly Cup - KCC (3)

eng Stephen >> piątek marzec 22 - 21:33

After an extensive break, the English Friendly Cup is back and it's bigger than ever! It's 16 teams large now, meaning more room for bot teams to sully the competition.

Sign up here to enjoy the competition:

eng Stephen
Główny Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> poniedziałek marzec 25 - 09:53

8 places filled already - nice!

eng Stephen
Główny Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> wtorek kwiecień 16 - 19:23

And so it came to pass that Seaburn Beach will face Canvey Island in the final...

eng Stephen
Główny Admin
eng Seaburn Beach