Liga Anglia sezon 53

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Season 23 blog (77)

jp Natsumi >> niedziela kwiecień 3 - 13:45
3 draws and 1 loss, Natsumi is looking like a frustrated figure at the touch line, 4 very different performances for the spirit squad, the opening match saw a early red and the spirit squad thought hard to hold a 0-0 draw, the second match saw a later penalty be missed and Natsumi felt disappointed not to take all 3 points in a 1-1 home draw, the next also finished 1-1 but it was a late equaliser for the spirit squad, all strong performances in there own ways without the desired result but todays performance was just plain poor, they didn't look remotely interested as they slumped into a 2-0 defeat, had the goalee not been on fine form it'd of been much more embarrassing for the blue dragons.
jp Natsumi
my Kesvick >> niedziela kwiecień 3 - 14:45, Zmieniony niedziela kwiecień 3 - 14:58
"I'm puzzled," says Kesvick.


Leiceistershire FC manager, Kesvick, admits the team need to overcome their away day blues to get back to where they belong.

The Red Lions have an appalling record in the Championship, winning none of their away games so far this season.

While the team have been on fire at home, helped along with boisterous fan support, their 2-0 and 3-2 defeats against West Ham FC and Gallant Ladies FC respectively showed how brittle his team can be.

The Malaysian admitted that he was still working out what was wrong.

"It's surprising. The reasons why have yet to be fathomed," he said.

"But it's up to us. It's up to the players to come together and try to turn it around as quickly as we can."

"It's very unlike us not to have a good away record. Normally it's excellent. There are some things we've got to put right and that's one of them."

Next week, he will take his side to face Hull City Wanderers.
my Kesvick
eng Cloughie >> niedziela kwiecień 3 - 20:03
2-0 loss to Liverpool is a good result plus the merrymen are just happy mixing it with the big boys
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Cloughie >> poniedziałek kwiecień 4 - 11:59
5 Games in and the Hoodies are happy with the results especially the draw against Walsall.

We have beat two of our relegation rivals and lost to two top sides with respectable score lines.

Cloughie 'If we continue you on this form we could well expect a 2nd season of top flight football'
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng antboy18 >> poniedziałek kwiecień 4 - 12:10
Well done so far Cloughie - keep it up!
eng antboy18
eng Cloughie >> poniedziałek kwiecień 4 - 20:43, Zmieniony wtorek kwiecień 5 - 10:52
quality Dragontao
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Cloughie >> wtorek kwiecień 5 - 10:56
Another defeat but again the Merry Men were happy with the day out visiting the largest stadium they had ever played in (Strood Temple, Capacity: 120,000).

One player who wanted to remain unnamed said "it was hard to concemtrate I just kept looking up into the stands they were massive, that was when the ball just hit me and you know the rest!"

Chloughie - " I could get used to this ... Brandy and a cigar in the directors area yes please"
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
jp Natsumi >> wtorek kwiecień 5 - 21:28
Struggling Spirit Squad battled hard against newly promoted outfit Tranby Park FC it was a even consider and the blue dragons just edged it picking up there first win of the season and first away victory of 2016, 6 points from 6 games is still far from safe but the win will bring confidence ahead of some tough home matches to come with colne and liverpool city both to visit Natsumi's Fortress in the coming weeks.
jp Natsumi
my Kesvick >> Środa kwiecień 6 - 03:45, Zmieniony Środa kwiecień 6 - 06:21
Kesvick relieved by first away win of the season.


Kesvick admitted he was relieved after picking up his first league away win this season but insisted it will not be a night for celebration.

Leicestershire FC held on for 70 minutes after Ziyi Zuo-Lin's screamer from outside the box gave Leicestershire FC a close 1-0 victory over struggling Arsenal Football Club.

"I think what the game tells us today is football isn't about putting on the best performance, but today we got the result," said Kesvick. "It's not a night for any celebration whatsoever, not to get carried away. We'll gain some confidence from the result. There's a good feeling from the dressing room and we'll take things forward."

"Relief's probably a good word in some ways to describe what I felt. I wanted the final whistle to come as quickly as possible. I saw the reaction of the fans, of the players. I think that our away streak was far too long for this club."

Kesvick also praised the Leicestershire faithful for their support throughout the game.

"The most incredible bit was the fans stayed with us, they stayed with every single player, they stayed with me," said Kesvick.

"It's not down to tactics, it's not down to the coach, it's down to the fans and the way they responded after the goal. The game turned into an emotional game, the fans were pushing us forward, throwing us forward. We suffered a little bit but got there in the end and that's the important thing."
my Kesvick
eng Cloughie >> Środa kwiecień 6 - 11:59
I was really hoping for a win today(no direspect to Winchester) a draw is all I could muster, every point is valuable.
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Cloughie >> piątek kwiecień 8 - 07:35
Forum is a bit quiet boys n girls!!...

Todays match has a little more passion than usual as Cloughie resides in Yorkshire due to the cheap living costs! So bragging rights in the local pub is at stake.
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
my Kesvick >> piątek kwiecień 8 - 15:10
Do you know how difficult it is to find inspiration to write newspaper-esque articles, Cloughie? :P
my Kesvick
eng Stephen >> piątek kwiecień 8 - 20:49
9 games in and a solid, if unspectacular start from Seaburn Beach. We caught up with manager Stephen for an exclusive interview.

Q. How would you describe the start, Stephen?
A. Oh, I don't know. Solid, if unspectacular, maybe?
Q. Oh. You heard that...? Erm, next question then, are you happy with your transfer business.
A. I'm happy with how the new lads have bedded in, though I'm hoping that we'll be able to score a few more goals as the season goes on.
Q. Why do you think you've been struggling to score?
A. Well, it's difficult to replace a player like Diamacoune. Maybe I could have held onto him for another season or so, but I took the long view for the club in trying to bring in some younger legs who can be a crucial part of the team for several seasons to come.
Q. Some fans levelled criticism at you in the transfer window for your transfer policy of refusing to buy ready made players when you sold Diamacoune. They also criticised your policy of building for the future. Must it always be 'jam tomorrow' with Seaburn Beach?
A. I really don't agree, Brian. Kurofuji - see, I didn't even need to look at his profile to what his name is now - is ready for the first team. He's scored 5 goals in 9 league games. He's the top scorer for the club this season. How could anyone argue that he's not ready? Yes, he missed that penalty in the crucial European match and yes, I'm still not speaking to him for that.
Q. Seriously? When will you be able to put this behind you?
A. Well, I did grunt at him in the corridor yesterday, so he's slowly winning me round.
Q. Finally then, where does your club go from here, Stephen?
A. We have to try and finish as high up the league as possible. I don't rule out major transfer business in the next window and it would be good to challenge in the Cup.
Q. Well, good luck.
A. Thanks, Brian.
eng Stephen
Główny Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
eng zhuan >> niedziela kwiecień 10 - 02:35
Still can't get a win~
eng zhuan
eng Birmingham Hunter