Liga Anglia sezon 53

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Season 56 (48)

il Numpty >> czwartek styczeń 21 - 09:55

Congrats to Stephen for another domestic double - and best wishes for trying to climb the European tree. At least it gives you a challenge to focus on. 

Well done to Monk too, as he 'only' started building the club just over 4 years ago. In this game that's some achievement to be competitive in that time frame. 

As for Blackwhite that's a fantastic accomplishment finishing 5th two years after starting the club. The progress has been amazing.  Great stuff!

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
fo BakerMan >> sobota styczeń 23 - 10:53, Zmieniony sobota styczeń 23 - 10:58

Well after the debacle of season 56, the Chinese have sold up and PriDeejay Town are now under American ownership.A name change to Jaypridee Town and a move to be the new team in York (see what I did there) along with a change of kit to red, white and blue means hopes are high for season 57. Rumours of a transfer bid for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are being denied, but one Donald J. Trump has more time on his hands and may be open to an offer...long serving player Warren Vale is worried about his position on the right wing

fo BakerMan
eng Jaypridee Town
eng Stephen >> sobota styczeń 23 - 11:53

Lol @ Bakerman

eng Stephen
Główny Admin
eng Seaburn Beach