Liga Finlandia sezon 43

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Prowadź dyskusje z innymi managerami odnośnie rozgrywek. Typujcie swoich faworytów do zwycięstwa. Kto spadnie, a kto awansuje? Kto wyeliminuje resztę rywali i wygra puchar?

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Second Season Goals (26)

fi Roope >> wtorek marzec 26 - 11:20

Eka kausi pulkassa ja toinen edessä.

Tässä vähän mietteitä tulevlle kaudelle.

Toivoisin että muutkin managerit laittaisivat muutaman rivin kaudentavoitteistaan.

PJ Turun Jyrät FC


First season under my belt and second starting.

Here are my toughts for the coming season.

I would hope other managers would write down couple of lines about their goal for the season.

Chairman Turun Jyrät FC
fi Roope
fi Roope >> wtorek marzec 26 - 11:27, Zmieniony Środa kwiecień 3 - 04:28
Tavoitteet Turun Jyrät FC

Päästä Euro Cup peleihin kaudella 3.

Parantaa Stadioni 1500 katsojan tasolle.
Rakentaa Fani kauppa.
Rakentaa Muonitus palvelut.

Parantaa harjoitus (lev 3 29.3, lev 4 3.4) ja lääkintä tiloja (lev 2 30.3).

Käynnistää U-21 joukkue.(ok 27.3)

Pelaaja hankinnoissa keskitytään nuoriin pelaajiin.

Goals Turun Jyrät

Qaulify for Euro cup games in season 3.

Improve Stadium capasity to 1500.
Build a Fan shop
Build Catering services.

Improve training (lev 3 29.3, lev 4 3.4) and medical facilities (lev 2 30.3).

Start up a U-21 team. (ok 27.3)

New signings concentrates on young talents.
fi Roope
se Flávio Fernandes >> wtorek marzec 26 - 22:18
My goals are :

To qualify for Europe
to have a better medicall faciltie
To upgrade Stadium to 1500
to keep having a the best fan base in Finland
to have a more healthy finalcial year and do the right signings
se Flávio Fernandes
se Flávio Fernandes >> Środa marzec 27 - 18:35
if i write in swedish as well would you guys mind?
se Flávio Fernandes
fi Teemu >> Środa marzec 27 - 21:42
So it's my turn now then...

First goal is same as last season: be a champion. But my team have to do much more goals. The team did only 32 goals in first season which is less than a goal per match.

Next goals are upgrading facilities and buy players who help the team.

P.S. Flavio, it's fine for me. I understand Swedish pretty well but I'm not going to write my Swedish here.
fi Teemu
fi Roope >> czwartek marzec 28 - 05:06
Hey Flavio swedish is official language in Finland so go ahead.

I speak and understand it too.

fi Roope
fi SilverFace >> czwartek marzec 28 - 20:40
Just started this game, but my goals for season 2 are

-Start u21 team
-Stadium to lvl 2
-Training complex to lvl 4
- top 5 position in league
- And my best player Mikael Forssell (forward) to be top3 goal scorer in league.
fi SilverFace
se Flávio Fernandes >> piątek marzec 29 - 15:58
Okej :)
Jag är glad jag kan skriva på svenska
se Flávio Fernandes
se Flávio Fernandes >> sobota marzec 30 - 20:25
Hur många europeiska platser tror du att vi kommer att ha den här säsongen?
se Flávio Fernandes
fi Teemu >> sobota marzec 30 - 22:20
If there are two leagues for champions and cup winners, my guess is 2 places. One for league winners and second one for cup winner.
fi Teemu
se Flávio Fernandes >> niedziela marzec 31 - 21:37
but there will be CHmapions league and Europa League?
se Flávio Fernandes
fi Roope >> poniedziałek kwiecień 1 - 05:09, Zmieniony poniedziałek kwiecień 1 - 05:21
My understanding was that winner of the league goes to champions league, Depending of the size of the country league runner up and 3rd, might qualify also.

We have one of the smalest leagues in europe, so might be only 2 Euro Cup places available.

fi Roope
fi SilverFace >> poniedziałek kwiecień 1 - 08:23
I think that we have 3 places to europe. League winner, runner-up, and CUP winner.
fi SilverFace
fi SilverFace >> poniedziałek kwiecień 1 - 17:02
Yeah, 4-2 win in 1st round of cup!
fi SilverFace
se Flávio Fernandes >> Środa kwiecień 3 - 23:51
Hye it says we have to write in finnish in this forum but FInland also have swedish as it official lanaguage so it should not be like htat?

btw we have already know the palces for europe

Champion Goes to Champions League
2-4 in league goes to Europa League
se Flávio Fernandes