Liga Indie sezon 19 [3.1]

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Prowadź dyskusje z innymi managerami odnośnie rozgrywek. Typujcie swoich faworytów do zwycięstwa. Kto spadnie, a kto awansuje? Kto wyeliminuje resztę rywali i wygra puchar?

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lookin for a mentor? (1)

in viktor >> piątek październik 2 - 21:52
If you need any help with setting up your team /training/matches/ help with understanding a result
Feel free to send me an in game message
Or pop over to the League (level1) forums and post and people
Or send a message to one/ more of
Mike( kolkata fc)
Arko (Mohun Bagan)
Catalan(chennai Catalans)
Or anyone else in level 1.
(I ll add / remove from the list of mentors based on protests / requests. Well on 2nd thoughts if anyone is ready to mentor a mentee they can always reply to this thread.)
in viktor
in Air FC