Liga Iran sezon 65

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Prowadź dyskusje z innymi managerami odnośnie rozgrywek. Typujcie swoich faworytów do zwycięstwa. Kto spadnie, a kto awansuje? Kto wyeliminuje resztę rywali i wygra puchar?

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Iranian League_English Forum (2)

hu zizais >> wtorek styczeń 5 - 19:16

Hi everobody, what do you think of a little analysis in english?

hu zizais
hu Roxolan's
ee tonis >> piątek styczeń 8 - 10:09

Well, there is not much to analyse :D Pretty much inactive league with most likely clear winner every season. I try to spoil here and there, but so far been unsuccessful.

Anyway, warm welcome to this league! ;)

ee tonis