Liga Nikaragua sezon 31

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Prowadź dyskusje z innymi managerami odnośnie rozgrywek. Typujcie swoich faworytów do zwycięstwa. Kto spadnie, a kto awansuje? Kto wyeliminuje resztę rywali i wygra puchar?

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Liga de campeones/Champions League (2)

ni La Leonesa >> wtorek lipiec 14 - 01:23
Me realizó el equipo FC Nankatsu. Alguién conoce su táctica o como jugar contra ellos? Somos bien iguales.

I draw FC Nankatsu in the Champions League. Do anyone have some advice for me about how they are or how to play against them? We are very even.
ni La Leonesa
ni Mr.Glass >> Środa lipiec 15 - 03:51
Looks like they play a balanced 442 diamond, which is also what you play. I would go the same in your home match, then go defensive in the away match.
ni Mr.Glass