Liga Stany Zjednoczone sezon 14 [2]

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Prowadź dyskusje z innymi managerami odnośnie rozgrywek. Typujcie swoich faworytów do zwycięstwa. Kto spadnie, a kto awansuje? Kto wyeliminuje resztę rywali i wygra puchar?

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Season 81 (2)

us SeanPat0 >> poniedziałek lipiec 1 - 02:02

Lookie at who is in first place.

No, really, go look. 

It really will not last much longer, and the mistake will be fixed.

us SeanPat0
us William Penn FC
us Kratos >> poniedziałek lipiec 1 - 09:26

13. 65 20 

11. 90 85 75 75

10. 50 20

9. 30

8. 75 70 50 40 05 05

7. 80 50 40

6. 40

5. 00

Figure since Madisonians is gone, Ill post the histogram for this season. Seems like overall the tallent in the league has dropped a bit (not that I'm complaining). Im now listed as the third best team, after two offseasons of spending. I think I signed a few good young guys. Still have 4 older players I'm ready to get rid of. By next season I should have no one over 30 on my team. Goal for this year is to qualify for playoffs, but 0% chance I get promotion.

us Kratos
us FC Wichita