Liga Stany Zjednoczone sezon 57 [2]

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Season 15 (21)

us ranks39 >> Środa marzec 4 - 14:56
So sorry, Chiadude! Today's match was a complete sham.....your LM and LB both got red cards, IN THE FIRST HALF! It was looking to be a good match too, as you guys got up 1-0, but then it hit the fan. In the second half, when you guys didn't have a single defender on our right side, WE RESOLUTELY AVOIDED THAT FLANK like the plague! I think that we had 1 dedicated attack down the right flank(82nd min) and it led to a goal! Good game, though, and tough luck!
us ranks39
us chiadude >> Środa marzec 4 - 17:44
Yeah it was shaping out to be a pretty good game as well! I've gotten some weird results with cards like this with the game engine this season.It could've been worse result than only going down by 2 being two players down.
us chiadude
us CupOfNoodles >> Środa marzec 11 - 00:17
Round 27 ELO
01) (1,225.42) FC Appleton
02) (1,200.42) FC NY
03) (1,189.05) Jericho
04) (1,142.68) Chicago
05) (1,137.21) Glendale
06) (1,101.60) Juventus
07) (1,059.35) Montgomery
08) (1,053.20) Outsiders
09) (1,038.85) Miami FC
10) (1,022.73) Washington
11) (981.77) Udon
12) (963.09) Cape
13) (962.13) Asheville
14) (933.26) Brooklyn
15) (878.86) Newark
16) (850.01) Riverside
17) (831.44) Blowing
18) (830.62) FC KIKLUD
19) (827.53) The Dream
20) (725.63) River City
us CupOfNoodles
us Danny >> czwartek marzec 12 - 18:07, Zmieniony czwartek marzec 12 - 18:08
Very disappointed in how my team has been doing as of late. Hoping to turn it around for a late season push for more points! However very excited to have just started my stadium upgrade. 20,000 on its way!
us Danny
us Joe McG >> niedziela marzec 22 - 11:47
Thank You has been a long and strange season...GL in the playoffs...
us Joe McG
us FC New York Cosmos