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season 23 (85)

dm ѕυвķιd >> sobota marzec 26 - 20:46
what are your target this season? though subkid is still in rebuilding process it was not a good season for us in season 22 as we fail to secure continental tour. though we will push a little harder to be on top again . good luck to promoters and all , let go.......
dm ѕυвķιd
us John Deatrick >> niedziela marzec 27 - 06:49
you spelled season wrong.
us John Deatrick
dm ѕυвķιd >> niedziela marzec 27 - 13:51
thank mate, I smoke a little weed wen I was typing #lol
dm ѕυвķιd
us John Deatrick >> niedziela marzec 27 - 17:40
I picked up a new defender to go with my squad.

I am expecting a pretty good season, hopefully slightly better than last year.
us John Deatrick
us jpeso >> niedziela marzec 27 - 21:33, Zmieniony poniedziałek marzec 28 - 01:58
My target : win a couple of matches
With the new rules & the fatigue issues my team has, ....

for example how can my first xi win both matches
18:18 us St. Louis Rams
21:38 us GoTopless
us jpeso
us Richmond
us John Deatrick >> poniedziałek marzec 28 - 04:01
Thats why I try to set my match times as far away from reset as possible,
us John Deatrick
us jpeso >> wtorek marzec 29 - 02:07, Zmieniony wtorek marzec 29 - 02:46
And what do you do about away matches.
Also is it "fair "that
others(not called GoTopless) do not get to play a fatigued team
us jpeso
us Richmond
us John Deatrick >> wtorek marzec 29 - 06:04
away matches will never be on the same day as a home match so if you schedule your home matches on the polar opposite of the reset, it will never be closer than 12 hours to the away games.
us John Deatrick
us John Deatrick >> wtorek marzec 29 - 06:05
You scheduled your game 1 hours before reset, Topless 2 hours after reset. It's both your fault for scheduling so close to reset.
us John Deatrick
us jpeso >> Środa marzec 30 - 03:56, Zmieniony Środa marzec 30 - 04:01
do you mean I will never have 2 back-to-back away matches? I remember having them the previous 2 seasons.
Also do we get automatic credit if we schedule at a time we know we cannot watch?

Of course its our fault. So "is it "fair "that
others do not get to play a fatigued team".

venting:Like its our fault that random plays are fair but not random tactics
us jpeso
us Richmond
us John Deatrick >> Środa marzec 30 - 05:19
Yeah, I mean, it sucks, I will give you that. My best advice is schedule games for the morning, and try and watch it before work/school. You cant avoid double away games but you can at least control your home games to some extent.
us John Deatrick
us Cooper >> czwartek marzec 31 - 01:40
The club that won the League in Season 2 is now in the 4th Division. Just thought that was interesting.
us Cooper
us jpeso >> czwartek marzec 31 - 02:53, Zmieniony czwartek marzec 31 - 03:06
Let me be honest .Some of my players donot recover in 12-14 hours. There is no reason to have a 23(+19) man squad if you cannot play them all.
To draw a parallel, that is like saying your nba team can have 12 players but you have to play the first six only-the rest can carry towels- it doesnt matter if the top 6 have played 4 triple ot games in th last 4 days

GL for the season
us jpeso
us Richmond
us Mike >> czwartek marzec 31 - 12:33, Zmieniony czwartek marzec 31 - 17:04
To help with the match fatigue mentioned above, by all means please fell free to rest your starters when playing me. My mostly U21 team needs all the help it can get in league 1!

EDIT: Better to be lucky than good. Despite being outshot 23-3, I somehow picked up a road win against Polar Bear FC 2-1. I'm thankful the RS Gods were on my side today as I have a feeling this will be the highlight of my season.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us valentine >> piątek kwiecień 1 - 01:58
I picked up a new defender, a little expensive for his age though...
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds