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Inglês >> Competições

U21 League (34)

cn Kun >> quarta-feira abril 3 - 15:01, Editado quarta-feira abril 3 - 15:02
What are the rewards of U21 league Champion?Only league experience ?
cn Kun
nl Vincent de Boer >> quarta-feira abril 3 - 15:20
Yes, the u21 league is meant mostly to develop your young players.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desenvolvedor Chefe
fi hat3breeder >> quarta-feira abril 3 - 15:25
jophilo, it says for me too that im in u21 league 3.1
fi hat3breeder
fr jophilo >> quarta-feira abril 3 - 22:00
i do not have games planned anymore for my u21, is it normal ?
fr jophilo
fi hat3breeder >> quarta-feira abril 3 - 23:12
Same here..
fi hat3breeder
us MOC >> quinta-feira abril 4 - 03:27
I've started up a U21 squad and apparently I'm the first Irish club to create one. I'm all for trailblazing at this early stage in the game's lifespan, but I'm also hoping that some other clubs join in soon, so I can actually get my boys some playing time outside of the odd friendly.
us MOC
fr jophilo >> quinta-feira abril 4 - 07:39
I just got 2 u21 league's games planned :).
fr jophilo
nl Vincent de Boer >> quinta-feira abril 4 - 17:47
The u21 games are always planned 2 at a time. Teams can leave and enter the competition in the meantime.

@MOC: So far it seems even the Irish players we have don't want to play in Ireland ;) I hope some others will join there soon though.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desenvolvedor Chefe
nl Corniel >> sábado abril 6 - 08:38
Is it possible to keep U21 players from you U21 team? I have 3 U21 players that are part of my main squad, and I don't want them to play U21 games (what they do when an injury occurred)
nl Corniel
nl Vincent de Boer >> sábado abril 6 - 15:09
If you don't have enough players to fill up the substitue spots then it's not possible. These spots will automatically be filled with available players.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desenvolvedor Chefe
nl Anders_D >> sábado abril 6 - 20:02
My problem at about half of the transfer period was, that I'd lent too many young players to other teams to form a u21 squad myself (doh). I tried buying a few other young players, who mostly didn't want to play for my team though. I was therefore very happy with 2 players that turned up from the youth center :)

In the coming weeks, I hope to get some new players from the youth center. That will solve the problem of Corniel as well, I'd say.
nl Anders_D
nl FC Beawulf
nl Corniel >> terça-feira abril 9 - 09:33
@Anders_D: My U21 squad has 14 players. So 11 should be enough too. ;)
nl Corniel
eng VicRattlehead >> terça-feira abril 9 - 20:40
If i create an u21 squad during the season, can they compete in this season's u21 games?

I assume they can and that I just haven't had a league game drawn yet.
eng VicRattlehead
cn protein >> quarta-feira abril 10 - 08:52, Editado quarta-feira abril 10 - 08:52
Vic, here's your schedule/fixtures for U21 matches this week:

You can check the 'U21 squad' option for the league fixtures, and click 'Search' to single them out.
cn protein
ar xeneize_nqn >> quarta-feira abril 10 - 22:17
How many U21 matches are played in the season??
ar xeneize_nqn