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Inglês >> Competições

League of the Philippines/NT of the Philippines (1416)

ph Roldan Payusan >> quarta-feira junho 17 - 04:27
Now i'm playing in Asia,,Bahrain :)...
ph Roldan Payusan
ph GenSan City FC
ua Garfman >> quarta-feira junho 17 - 05:00
@Roldan Payusan Hindi po. I'm married to one.
ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC
ph Roldan Payusan >> quarta-feira junho 17 - 10:17
@ garfman Haha tagalog ah. .nice. :)
ph Roldan Payusan
ph GenSan City FC
ua Garfman >> quarta-feira junho 17 - 11:19
Haha, still learning. It's not easy :-)
ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC
ph Roldan Payusan >> quarta-feira junho 17 - 20:39
Yeah :)
ph Roldan Payusan
ph GenSan City FC
ph Flora >> quinta-feira junho 18 - 02:50
Garfman is league champion.....
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ua Garfman >> quinta-feira junho 18 - 04:46
Don't be so modest, Flora, your team is better at the moment :-)
ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> quinta-feira junho 18 - 05:01
My team reached the semifinals of the U21 Champions Cup.....nice :-D
ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC
ph Flora >> quinta-feira junho 18 - 05:33
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ca Nicolas >> quinta-feira junho 18 - 15:36
I'm late on this but it looks like Holy Flora is gonna win this season!

And about my team I'm stuck in the 2nd division for a too long time, it seems my team doesn't wanna promote. :D
ca Nicolas
ph Roldan Payusan >> quinta-feira junho 18 - 15:37
Whose woman playing these game ? :D
ph Roldan Payusan
ph GenSan City FC
ua Garfman >> quinta-feira junho 18 - 15:42
Nothing wrong with that, Floyd. You're building for the future, after all. It's better to be at the top of division 2 for several seasons, thusly building popularity and facilities, rather than going up and down season after season.
ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC
ph Red Jasper >> sexta-feira junho 19 - 08:43
Just give me a year to learn this thing and i will be champion. HAHA.
ph Red Jasper
ph Red Jasper >> sexta-feira junho 19 - 08:52
By the way, anyone could give me a tip what to train for my forwards? Or the other positions? Actually, I dont have any knowledge about soccer nor about sports management games. But i am enjoying this game, although when i go to my training facility and train my players i just stare at their numbers and really blank on what to do. HAHA.
ph Red Jasper
ua Garfman >> sexta-feira junho 19 - 09:24
@Jasper, the most important attribute for forwards is scoring. If you want to understand better what to train for players, check out the players of other teams. And I also suggest that you read the help section. I could help you in more detail, but if you want that, just send me a PM.
ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC