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Inglês >> Discussão Geral

The problem of skyrocketing wages(1.24 billion Euro) (111)

lv Ar4ers >> sábado outubro 10 - 05:25

Because Vincent will fix this and people will lost/waste money at the end?

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
ee Taavi >> sábado outubro 10 - 07:04

Would be funny if someone buys him for 1b and then vincent makes him a normal 5.8 talent :D

ee Taavi
Administrador da comunidade
ee FC Pusa
nl Vince Dean >> sábado outubro 10 - 15:08

Or nothing happens. Like I would expect knowing what's going on in this game, and someone has a great deal. 

nl Vince Dean
eng wonderlust >> sábado outubro 10 - 15:45

@Ar4ers Just for the record, Rory Lea is not bugged.  He's just very good.

eng wonderlust
eng Forever We Are Wolves