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Inglês >> Sugestões

Match result history (3)

nl Orauw >> quinta-feira dezembro 26 - 00:13

I know the game hasn't been updated in a long time, but with a little bit of hope I'll just leave this suggestion here:

My idea was to have an option on a player's team tab under results that allows you to view the history of results you've had against this team.

nl Orauw
il Numpty >> quinta-feira dezembro 26 - 07:44

Definitely a good idea. 

But just in case you didn't know it is possible to get a history of results for your upcoming matches. 

Go to Match > Analyse > Previous results

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
au davo >> sexta-feira dezembro 27 - 07:14

...but it would be nice to be able to click on any team and get a history rather than just the teams that you are playing in the next few days.

au davo