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Inglês >> Discussão Geral

Active countries (9)

nl Vincent de Boer >> terça-feira fevereiro 5 - 14:47, Editado terça-feira fevereiro 5 - 14:48
I've now activated the countries that will be playing from the start.

You can find the full list under "countries".

If you want to pick a different country this is possible, it will start automatically if at least 4 players sign up for it.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desenvolvedor Chefe
nl Corniel >> quinta-feira fevereiro 7 - 13:49
Adding sub leagues, will come later I suppose?
nl Corniel
nl Vincent de Boer >> quinta-feira fevereiro 7 - 14:24
Level 2, 3 etc? It will happen automatically when there are only a few teams left without manager.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desenvolvedor Chefe
nl Vincent de Boer >> quinta-feira fevereiro 7 - 19:42
Poland and Estonia already have 3 people in the waitinglist, if one more person picks this country it will be activated.

Hungary and Czech Republic already have 2.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desenvolvedor Chefe
il elad45 >> quinta-feira fevereiro 7 - 21:10
Currently im in the Italian league, is it possible to transfer my team to the israeli league when it opens ?
il elad45
nz Tiety Kooistra >> quinta-feira fevereiro 7 - 21:53
It is possible to leave your current club to go to a new club in Israel.
Note that it is nessesary that a minimum of 4 players are on the waitinglist before Israel will get started up.
nz Tiety Kooistra
il elad45 >> sexta-feira fevereiro 8 - 19:11
How can I leave my club and manage an Israeli team ?
il elad45
nz Tiety Kooistra >> sexta-feira fevereiro 8 - 19:14
In the menu: Account=>leave club
nz Tiety Kooistra
il elad45 >> sexta-feira fevereiro 8 - 19:23
il elad45