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Inglês >> Perguntas

National pool of players (5)

fi Roope >> quarta-feira junho 12 - 16:29

This is mostly to Vincent but if someone else knows feel free to answer ;)

We no have the option of selecting 23 players from the national pool.

What if a player is created between now and friday or someone has xp used to training so that he would get a spot in the pool.

In short will there be a update of players to choose from or is the list static untill friday?

fi Roope
nl Vincent de Boer >> quarta-feira junho 12 - 17:22
There are 4 shortlists per season, this shortlist is indeed static, so the list you have now is what you can choose from.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desenvolvedor Chefe
eng James >> quarta-feira junho 12 - 18:17
So my new created player from Costa Rica can't even get in the shortlist until next year
eng James
es Maragator >> quarta-feira junho 12 - 18:40, Editado quarta-feira junho 12 - 18:57
week 42 http://rockingsoccer.com/es/futbol/help/home/category-14/article-51
es Maragator
es Real Astorga
fi Roope >> quinta-feira junho 13 - 08:56
Thanks Vincent for your quick response,

This helps me now and in the future when making selections.

fi Roope