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Inglês >> Sugestões

International caps and goals (6)

hr Kupus >> segunda-feira janeiro 28 - 21:57

Add International caps and goals on players main page.

In all football ocassions this is wanted information. and I believe this should be also.

At least I would find this information interesting to see and read.

Also, with that information stored perhaps also as common stats in the ranking on most caps, most goals and most assist etc.

Somehow the National teams are missing something, I like the feature a lot but we do not in any way highligt performance of players which I miss.

hr Kupus
Administrador da comunidade
de Regnum Croatorum
il Numpty >> segunda-feira janeiro 28 - 22:56


I would like to see each player have a separate page listing all their career achievements.  League/division titles, cups won, total goals scored,  international caps,  etc.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Garfman >> terça-feira janeiro 29 - 07:52

Yes, that would be nice to see in the main page of a player, it's like a badge of honor.

ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC
nl Vince Dean >> terça-feira janeiro 29 - 10:13

This has been suggested so often, also by myself.
It would be a very nice feature to have, but since it's been ignored so often i doubt this will ever get implemented.

nl Vince Dean
ua Garfman >> terça-feira janeiro 29 - 11:05

Good point, Vince.

ua Garfman
Administrador principal da comunidade
ph Garfman FC
hr Kupus >> terça-feira janeiro 29 - 14:35

Well, now when the topic of retaining players or attracting new players is so hot perhaps these kind of features gets another chance of being implemented.

New players joining do not understand the logic of the game but judge it more on the look and first impression.

Point is that it is not only nice to have but also making it more attractive.

hr Kupus
Administrador da comunidade
de Regnum Croatorum