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Inglês >> Discussão Geral

How do you choose when to buy and sell a player? (3)

dk Toxx >> domingo julho 28 - 21:06

What's your strategy when it comes to managing your squad vs. managing your economics? Do you try to keep your squad at a certain level or do you buy the best players available with what you have?
Do you buy only young players and sell them when they have gained value.

I'm curious to hear what is everyone thoughts and strategies on the matter.

dk Toxx
uy Awful >> segunda-feira julho 29 - 10:54

at this point, you have to use starter bonus good as u can , push for stadium and club popularity ..  saving money is important. focus on buying young players to sell them after few seasons for bank, work with the max squad nr you can.

if you want to compete , buy 19-22y old players , good players, equal bank max price or below ,  train specials, and later sell them with no loses   .

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC
uy Awful >> segunda-feira julho 29 - 10:59

hope someone else can help you more.  this is a great game, good luck !

uy Awful
hr Internacionālā Daugava FC