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Inglês >> Perguntas

Selfish or Determined for a forward? (3)

us Peter >> segunda-feira outubro 21 - 20:10

Suppose there are two forwards, same age, same fixed attributes, same trainable attributes, and same trained specials, all with one difference: one forward has the special Selfish, and the other has Determined. Which do you prefer?

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
eng Stephen >> segunda-feira outubro 21 - 21:09

I’d probably choose selfish. This special is in play all the time, whereas determined only kicks in away from home or when the team falls behind.

It’d be a nice choice to have though :)

eng Stephen
Administrador Chefe
eng Seaburn Beach
us Peter >> terça-feira outubro 22 - 12:17

Thanks Stephen!

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers