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Inglês >> Discussão Geral

Balls vs. Numbers? (10)

tc ... >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 17:16, Editado segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 17:17


I'm going to ask this out of pure curiousity, but who here uses the numerical system to analyze the game rather than the ball system? For example, instead of a talent of 4 balls, it's much easier in my eyes to look at it as a talent of 4.00. Also, since I have a separate spreadsheet of my players and their skills, it's easier to keep track of how they develop over time using the numbers.

Interested to hear on your opinions and how you look at the game!


Edit: I don't know if it's clear or not (since Spanish is my first language), but I'm referring to the "Accessibility" tab under the "Account" section. :)

tc ...
kn Phoenix T&C
il Numpty >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 17:28

If you want to know how many of each then let's conduct a poll.

Vote my post up for numbers and down for balls. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Oregonian >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 17:35

I use numbers only

us Oregonian
ee Taavi >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 18:00

I use stars on pc and numbers on phone

ee Taavi
Administrador da comunidade
ee FC Pusa
ro Funky Grandma >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 18:02, Editado terça-feira janeiro 7 - 18:02

I prefer balls, even though I hover over them to see what the number actually is. Balls are better because I think I'm a bit of a visual thinker and I can also visually compare players by how many shiny balls they have (versus thinking about the numbers). Like I said though, I still hover over them to see the actual number as well.

It's possibly also a preference because this was the only option when the game started and I might have become accustomed with it.

I like my balls.

ro Funky Grandma
eng Dragontao >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 18:18

Numbers on phone and pc.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
tr Mustafa >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 18:25

I use the numbers.

tr Mustafa
tr FC Kadıoğlu Gençlik ⭐
lv Dainix >> segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 18:54, Editado segunda-feira janeiro 6 - 18:58

Only balls and stars

I can tell you the exact value loking only at stars or balls. Almost 6 years  experience :)

lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
br Off em definitivo >> terça-feira janeiro 7 - 01:24

Balls, the best. I can understand perfectly how much would be 4.90 in balls.

br Off em definitivo

Balls are just shinny while number is just old fashioned