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Inglês >> Discussão Geral

Player misused by loaning team (3)

de Iso >> sexta-feira setembro 18 - 19:21


My player is obviously a forward


But the manager that loaned him, keeps using him as a midfielder! I already sent him a message in Englisch, to just use him correctly. He simply answered "Yes" - but nothing happened!

Anyhting I can do?

de Iso
de VfB Leipzig
il Numpty >> sexta-feira setembro 18 - 19:40

How very annoying for you. I see the manager is fairly new so I should keep trying. Maybe see if there's another manager who speaks the same language who could explain things to him. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Ebitimi >> sexta-feira setembro 18 - 20:23

I think there should be a clause where the manager of a team can recall his player from loan. If certain pre-conditions are breached. It happens in real-life football I wonder why it can't be implemented here.

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo