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Inglês >> Discussão Geral

Scheduled Maintenance (1)

au davo >> terça-feira dezembro 8 - 00:46

Over the past few months the "Scheduled Maintenance" at the start of a new day (currently 11am for me) and also 3.5 hours later (currently 2:30pm for me), which used to a couple of minutes maximum, seems to be getting longer and longer. The 11am one is a bit annoying, but the 2:30pm is very annoying as I often have matches then and miss the entire thing as it now lasts 10-15 minues.

Having said that the 11:00am one is "a bit annoying", today it was more than a bit annoying as it lasted for over 40 minutes.

I remember this happening on another game I played, where it started creeping up and eventually got to about 3 hours. Hopefully we are not going to end up in that situation.

It is not as though this is happening because of game development...

au davo