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Inglês >> Discussão Geral

Fechado [newbie] Hi could you help buy tickets for my matchs, managed to Stadium lv 2 (3)

vn Hưng Rồng >> sexta-feira julho 29 - 13:23

Here is my matches :( Please help me buy some tickets, I try to level up my Stadium 1 :( Please help this newbie:


Here is my matches :( Please help me buy some tickets, I try to level up my Stadium 1 :( Please help this newbie:

Thank you in advances guys :D Great experience so far!

vn Hưng Rồng
il Numpty >> sexta-feira julho 29 - 15:10

There's a special thread for ticket links, here:


il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
vn Hưng Rồng >> sexta-feira julho 29 - 15:28

Thank you Numpty, noted!

vn Hưng Rồng