Championnat de Guatemala saison 2

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Play well in intercontinental match! (3)

cn jjadriano >> lundi avril 14 - 08:58
We need gain more point intercontinental match! Make a greater effort!
We need more quota in intercontinental match and we can get more money to develop our team.
cn jjadriano
es Kuroda >> lundi avril 14 - 20:09
Yes, unfortunately, the last season I don´t earn a place to continental leagues. All of you have to do your best to have a good place as country. Good luck men!!!!!
I hope recover a place for the next season.
es Kuroda
gt 收米稳辣爽 >> mardi avril 15 - 05:46, Modifié mardi avril 15 - 05:48
Unfortunately I meet an American team at the qualifying and lose the matches.╮(╯▽╰)╭
I hope the 2 gaints & intel can play well that we may take over Costa Rica to get more qualifies in the next season.
gt 收米稳辣爽