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Inglês >> Sugestões

Fix player values (24)

ee Taavi >> sexta julho 3 - 04:30

Best part is when you forget to relist with lower price on day 4 :)

ee Taavi
Administrador da Comunidade
ee FC Pusa
nl Boy >> sexta julho 3 - 05:27

If restrictions are removed for non vips users should there be an extra benefit for Vip users?

nl Boy
nl Beveren
lv Tamaz >> sexta julho 3 - 06:57

Boy it wont be removed. Cuz only bugs (maybe) will be fixed Only! So.. we can forbet about this.

lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
cy MAKAROS >> sexta julho 3 - 08:02

Υou will also have to change the selling price of the player in the bank in case no buyer is found.

I find it humiliating for a player of 500 million to be sold at the bank with 25.

also the inactive teams don't buy expensive players as I used to think and this is a big issue that you haven't solved yet.

eng Stephen >> sexta julho 3 - 08:57

Let’s stick to the topic please. This thread is about player values and listing them on the transfer market and not about VIP benefits or bank selling values. 

eng Stephen
Coordenador de Administradores
eng Seaburn Beach
cy MAKAROS >> sexta julho 3 - 10:42

Yes that bothered you

You don't see that the game is going from bad to worse. We make suggestions for improvements and you talk as if you know everything here. So close the forum so that we don't say anything since you don't count on us.


eng Stephen >> sexta julho 3 - 11:05

I’m not saying that at all. The rules of the forum are that we stay on topic and not derail each topic with other ideas.

eng Stephen
Coordenador de Administradores
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> sábado julho 4 - 11:52, Editado sábado julho 4 - 11:53

I've raised this in the bugs forum in the hope of getting Vincent's attention. 



il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> sábado julho 4 - 13:16

I’ve previously messaged him personally and posted in the admin forum about it. I wouldn’t necessarily hold your breath on this one.

eng Stephen
Coordenador de Administradores
eng Seaburn Beach