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Inglês >> Perguntas

loan player fair play (10)

pl Nefix >> sábado agosto 10 - 20:30, Editado sábado agosto 10 - 20:45


I found information in "help" about fair play about loan players. Manager who loan player from my team don't respond me on my pm to him. I should report it or what? There is any recompense for losing exp?

If no one understand my "english" tell me i try to explain one more time :D

pl Nefix
pl Twierdza Wrocław
il Numpty >> sábado agosto 10 - 20:46

The manager probably doesn't speak English. 

I see that Marek Łuniewski has played 15 matches so far. As he's Hardworking he should play 25. 

The game is supposed to be coded so that the manager has to select him to get your full xp for the 25 matches. Has he been injured recently?  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
pl Nefix >> sábado agosto 10 - 20:54

I check all system notification and there is any information about his injury so probably not. In match history i can see he was just stay in reserve.

There is 9 games left in Brasil league and 10 more matches for get full experience for him

pl Nefix
pl Twierdza Wrocław
il Numpty >> sábado agosto 10 - 21:10

I have loan players.

When it gets near the end of the season I am forced to select any that need to play in 80% of the remaining games. They also have to start and not be a substitute. 

I don't understand why that doesn't seem to be working with that player. There must be a reason or it's a bug!

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> sábado agosto 10 - 21:16

@Numpty - Unless something has changed in the last 20 seasons or so, hardworking players don’t have to play 25 games when on loan. Just the normal 20.

eng Stephen
Coordenador de Administradores
eng Seaburn Beach
pl Nefix >> sábado agosto 10 - 21:23

So it's should be in "help" because 25x 450exp in U21 (available one older player in squad) is better than 20x 500xp for hardworking player

And still you can put that player in main team

Anyway thanks for info

pl Nefix
pl Twierdza Wrocław
il Numpty >> sábado agosto 10 - 21:34, Editado sábado agosto 10 - 21:55

Hmmm! Well I don't know the history but I'm sure they do have to play the full 25. 

I have one on loan myself and I have just tested it. He has already played 20 matches and has 5 games left according to the line-up screen. I selected the line-up for a few games time and I got this message:

  • Loan player error: You have to use Ricardo Travassos in this line-up. When you have a loaned player who needs to play 80% or more of the remaining league matches you have to use this player in your line-up. Your line-up for this match has not been set

The player is: https://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-1836215/employment

I also seem to recall you having a problem with one with your other club a couple of seasons ago? I don't remember the detail but it was at the start of the season and you're in a league with fewer matches ... 

As to what's causing the problem I've noticed that the loan occurred on or around Day 51 of last season - and the borrowing club was in the play-offs.  I wonder if that's the reason why the counter does not seem to be working correctly? 

Just to be clear. I think this should be raised as a bug. 


Found it. 

Stephen's bug report for the problem with a loaned Hardworking player needing 25 matches: 


il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
pl Nefix >> segunda agosto 19 - 12:13

After full season Łuniewski play 20 games in 38 match league. It's ~53% only. So there is restrictions for 20 games or "any%"?

pl Nefix
pl Twierdza Wrocław
il Numpty >> segunda agosto 19 - 14:15, Editado segunda agosto 19 - 14:33

Nefix, as I explained in the previous post, under normal circumstances they do have to play the full 25 games. 

I've looked at this in a bit more detail and it appears that in some cases this does not happen.

There are essentially 3 ways to select the players for a match:

  1. The lineup Save function.
  2. The lineup Load (or Auto) function.
  3. No manager selection so it's done by the software. (The Assistant)

The Save function is coded to ensure that loaned players get their 20 games, or 25 games if they are Hardworking. I have tested this. 

However, the Load function does not check that Loan players get their full quota of matches. If the saved line-up does not include the loan players then it's possible to load a lineup without them, so it's possible to get around the restriction that way. 

Given that the Loan player checking is done by the Save function then it's quite plausible that if the manager makes no selection and the software chooses the team then the Loan players may not get their quota this way either - especially if the Loan player in question is not in the "best 11".

In other words the HW player only has to play the full 25 games if the manager is choosing his team using the lineup Save function. 

If the team selection is done another way then it appears that it's not enforced. This would also apply to the normal players needing 20 matches. 

This is a bit of a loop hole that could do with fixing. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kupus >> segunda agosto 19 - 16:54


You should report this as a bug 

hr Kupus
Administrador da Comunidade
de Regnum Croatorum