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Inglês >> Discussão geral

Beta: accounts reset on 4-2-2013 (13)

nl Vincent de Boer >> sexta dezembro 28 - 19:15
Just a reminder that this is still the beta fase. All accounts will be reset in the beginning of februari.

The real game will start on the 7th of februari 2013
nl Vincent de Boer
Coordenador de Programação
nl Corniel >> sexta dezembro 28 - 19:23
Too bad... ;)
nl Corniel
fr hoplayann >> terça janeiro 1 - 02:07
Yes.. why reset? Is it not possible to keep it in the history? Like already built in now?
fr hoplayann
nl Vincent de Boer >> terça janeiro 1 - 09:12
It would not be fair towards people who weren't invited to the beta. Also, a clean restart is needed to get rid of all the testing stuff.
nl Vincent de Boer
Coordenador de Programação
fr hoplayann >> quarta janeiro 2 - 00:42
Fair enough
fr hoplayann
nl marcovtwout >> sexta janeiro 4 - 11:41
Yann, do you really want your history kept?
Seems you only lose ;)
nl marcovtwout
nl Vincent de Boer >> sexta janeiro 4 - 11:42
Ouch ;)
nl Vincent de Boer
Coordenador de Programação
nl Corniel >> domingo fevereiro 3 - 12:50
We start with the 'same' team (second teams will be gone), at season one? Or do we have to pick a new team?
nl Corniel
nl Vincent de Boer >> domingo fevereiro 3 - 13:11
Everything will be reset. The teams that exist now won't exist when the game is restarted.
nl Vincent de Boer
Coordenador de Programação
ar Koa >> domingo fevereiro 3 - 13:17
Vinnie, do you know at what exact GMT time will be the reset be done? I guess it will take some time for the site to be fully operational or I'm wrong?

ar Koa
nl Vincent de Boer >> domingo fevereiro 3 - 15:15
Yeah, I don't know yet. It'll restart on the 7th, I'll probably announce the time tomorrow or tuesday.
nl Vincent de Boer
Coordenador de Programação
nl Sir Zlatan >> domingo fevereiro 3 - 16:01
I hope as soon as possible. So everybody can start with the real game. But it works fine so far.
nl Sir Zlatan
nl Atletico Veteranen