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Inglês >> Competições

Come have a team in ALBANIAN LEAGUE! :) (3)

be Jeton R. Bardhi >> sábado dezembro 17 - 10:51
Hi mates. I have a special invitation for you! Come and get a team in Albania to manage and become competitive with other teams in League. More managers, more money, more coefficients, more players playing as NT.

It will be an amazing experience, so come join us in League of Albania
be Jeton R. Bardhi
ee onuelver >> sexta março 30 - 08:01

Albanian league need more managers! With one year you may become champion!(well i don't give it away too easily laughing) It will take less time to qualify for Europe. Good place for your second team. You may always ask for advices.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> quinta julho 11 - 19:52

Still waiting for more rivalry and ready to help to build it up. Without more managers my 70k stadium will eternally remain the biggest one in Albania.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back