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Inglês >> Perguntas

I need few advices for building facilites (7)

ba Skočko >> sexta novembro 23 - 19:02

Hello everyone. I really need few advices about my facilites. What route you would recommend me of building and upgrating facilites? I am back after few years, to play this game, and I really forgot everything

ba Skočko
eng Stephen >> sexta novembro 23 - 19:15

Stadium and fanshop always to the maximum level.

Currently, you can buy people's reject kids quite cheaply so having a high level TC and a low level YC is a viable strategy now. However, you can use the construction master (need an office to employ this staff member) and the starters bonus to make good headway in building facilities. 

Always leave yourself some money to be able to afford the next few upgrades. The starters bonus is very powerful indeed. Don't waste it!

eng Stephen
Coordenador de Administradores
eng Seaburn Beach
ba Skočko >> sexta novembro 23 - 19:25

Thanks a lot. But, when I will be able to build office, TC, and YC? And what is TC and YC?

ba Skočko
eng Stephen >> sexta novembro 23 - 19:31

TC = training centre

YC = youth centre

For the rest, read this:


eng Stephen
Coordenador de Administradores
eng Seaburn Beach
ba Skočko >> sexta novembro 23 - 19:49, Editado sexta novembro 23 - 19:49

Thanks a lot, I hope we'll meet in a game someday

ba Skočko
ee onuelver >> sábado novembro 24 - 13:36

I builded both my teams similar way like Stephen described: concentrate on TC and stadium with fanshop, YC level 3-4 and later you have enough time with that. It's possible to start TC level 10 in bonus period. Also i started to buy young players(u21) who are from YC level 8-10 and who can play in my first team thanks to youth bonus. So you guarantee that your team will be better every season and can be competitive in u21 cup. I never buy old players as they only lose their value. Don't pay more than "market value" of young players.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
lv Namejs >> domingo novembro 25 - 11:19

Build Scout Office up to level 7 so You can start Office, then build 3 levels of Office so that You can appoiny 3 staff members (2 builders) to maximize starter bonus decreased building times. Then follow other suggestions.

For players I'd suggest opposite of Onuelver. Use older players as after age 30 they are considerably cheaper. Also find place in squad for 5 or 6 popular players to again maximize starters bonus popularity increase. And don't be afraid to loan in key players. But before You decide to loan just look wether it wouldn't be cheaper to buy equall skill older players.

lv Namejs
Administrador da Comunidade
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri