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Inglês >> Perguntas

office (6)

ye Geoxinho >> quinta janeiro 23 - 09:39

it is not possible any more to put two person in only one facility? i want to put two on academy

ye Geoxinho
il Numpty >> quinta janeiro 23 - 11:13, Editado quinta janeiro 23 - 11:15

Yes, most people have 2 staff somewhere. 

Currently you have 1 in the Office and none anywhere else, so I don't understand why you say it's not possible to have two in the FA or YA. 

Perhaps you can be more specific about what the problem is? 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Orauw >> quinta janeiro 23 - 22:26

I had this problem, too.

I had to remove one of my staff members from my football academy, and then I was able to assign 2 staff members to the youth academy

nl Orauw
il Numpty >> quinta janeiro 23 - 23:34, Editado quinta janeiro 23 - 23:34


If you had two staff in your FA, then that explains why you could not assign 2 to the YA. That's how the game works.  

Apart from one in the Office, the OP doesn't have ANY staff. 

So what makes you think you had "this problem"? They are not the same.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Jrown >> sexta janeiro 24 - 03:25

Today my office manager went with retirement and I think I had to wait till he went to work to re-assign my FA-manager. Maybe that's what happened to OP too? 

nl Jrown
nl Losing >> sexta janeiro 24 - 14:12

OP now has successfully assigned 2 staff members to the FA so I guess that was it.

nl Losing