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Inglês >> Perguntas

Construction masters (3)

eng howie123 >> terça fevereiro 16 - 23:50

I saw a post somewhere saying it was a good idea to get your office up to level 3 and then hire 2 construction masters to reduce future construction times. I've got my office up to level 3 and have hired 2 staff members but it's only allowing me to make 1 of them a construction master. When I try and assign something to the 2nd one, construction master is not showing in the drop down list. Can someone advise please.

eng howie123
eng Hawarden Rangers
lv Namejs >> terça fevereiro 16 - 23:53

In order to add 2. staff member You'll need staff member in Office.

lv Namejs
Administrador da Comunidade
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri
eng howie123 >> terça fevereiro 16 - 23:57

Ah ok, thanks

eng howie123
eng Hawarden Rangers