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Inglês >> Perguntas

experience points (5)

eg zboy >> domingo abril 11 - 16:56

is there a way to increse how much exp you want to spend then +1?

eg zboy
eng holt >> domingo abril 11 - 17:03

  1. Play him in more matches. Even friendlies help.

  2. Increase the level of your Footbal Academy/Training Center (In your case, it isn't necessary right now)

  3. Have a player with good attributes such as Hardworking and good training morale.

eng holt
eg zboy >> domingo abril 11 - 17:28

holt i mean if i can spend more points on my players if you go to training you can spend +1 on your players i want to increse to +2 or +3 since some of the players have 36,000exp and it will take a long time to just spam click the +1

eg zboy
il Numpty >> domingo abril 11 - 17:31

The simple answer is no. There is no short-cut so you have to click multiple times. 

But it really doesn't take very long to burn through 36,000 xp. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eg zboy >> segunda abril 12 - 09:23


eg zboy