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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10414)

eng Monk >> miercuri iulie 20 - 20:42, Editat joi iulie 21 - 10:22

Always good to get plenty of experience and games in when you loan a player out, but there has to be a limit. Currently this guy is running on empty (literally) with -3.77 balls. By the time I get him back he'll probably need a season's rest to recover (!), although given his fragile trail it shouldn't be long before he gets a long term injury and a well deserved rest.
At least when he returns to the Monastery he won't be complaining about the Abbott's tough training regime. :-)

Update: now -6.32!
And now -7.37! Still standing though!:-)
eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
ca Jax >> joi iulie 21 - 06:00

C'mon man. Down to 9 men and lose it in the 88th. Not appreciated...
ca Jax
nl Vince Dean >> joi iulie 21 - 07:56

3 Red cards in a playoff game i should have easily dominated.
nl Vince Dean
Nou venit
nl Vince Dean >> joi iulie 21 - 08:02
An a penalty that clinches the game in their favor...
nl Vince Dean
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> joi iulie 21 - 09:02
Pressing? :D
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
no Roberto >> joi iulie 21 - 09:31

This match just explains how crap the ME can be.
Striker with no passing manages to assist, 2 injuries after using all subs and them being my gk and my best striker and losing on penalties. :D
no Roberto
Nou venit
nl Vince Dean >> joi iulie 21 - 10:03
Ofcourse pressing Taavi, just like majority of my games in the past 10 seasons, but that does not justify 3 cards, that's just extremely unlucky and frustrating.
nl Vince Dean
Nou venit
lv Namejs >> joi iulie 21 - 10:41
opponent (Play to win) Me (Counter)
Shots on goal 12 20
Goals 4 3
Shots kept 4 1
Shots missed 2 10
Shots intercepted 2 6

If this is how scoring bonus applies, Better off without it.
lv Namejs
Nou venit
il joest5 >> joi iulie 21 - 10:44, Editat joi iulie 21 - 10:45
Vince Dean, 3 red cards in one game is extremely unlucky and frustrating but as a manager who also usually play with pressing I wonder why you don't give your midfielders correct. At least in the few last seasons midfielders gets lots of cards (especially when playing pressing and without correct), your 4 midfielders for example had 56 cards in season 24 which is an averege of 14 each. I think that's a lot.
il joest5
nl Vince Dean >> joi iulie 21 - 12:21
This actually is my long term plan Joest, but since my midfielders are getting old and will be replaced soon, i think it's a waste of special trainings right now.
nl Vince Dean
Nou venit
nz Luke Broadcast >> joi iulie 21 - 13:48
i always play easy. since legend lloyd york i have not got red cards, rarely i get yellows...
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit
us Peter >> joi iulie 21 - 14:12

This game is rigged against me right now.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nz Luke Broadcast >> joi iulie 21 - 14:45
im happy again :D
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> joi iulie 21 - 15:17
I dont see many good players in NT future , guys pull estonians , for every great player torres will send you a selfie
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa