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Engleză >> Sugestii

Important New special attributes (231)

ro Andrei >> sâmbătă aprilie 23 - 16:47
I don't understand, what do you mean by distribution? You mean like passing the ball to a teammate?
ro Andrei
Nou venit
za Slade >> sâmbătă aprilie 23 - 18:28
za Slade
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hr Eddie >> sâmbătă aprilie 23 - 18:29
Team player works like that for every position.
hr Eddie
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hr Kupus >> sâmbătă aprilie 23 - 21:07, Editat duminică aprilie 24 - 19:48
Late bloomer

A player that gets fixed skill increase bonus at certain age and also a slower decrease of skills than normal players.
hr Kupus
Admin comunitate
de Regnum Croatorum
ca Jax >> duminică aprilie 24 - 04:52
+1 for Late Bloomer.
ca Jax
md Red's Master >> luni aprilie 25 - 14:13
Epitz, let's call it „Vardy Boomer” :)

Anyway, +1 for the idea!

From other part let's add a "Wasted talent", a player that gets some decrease in fixed skills at a certain age...
md Red's Master
hr Eddie >> luni aprilie 25 - 15:29
We don't need special attribute for that. There's a whole forum topic about those. Lots of those.
hr Eddie
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nz Luke Broadcast >> marţi aprilie 26 - 06:39
'late bloomer' and 'wasted talent' would be nice

lets say skill appears at age 25, but maybe 1/100 or even less of those

i like those ideas very much
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit
au davo >> luni mai 23 - 10:04
One thing that I would like to see is a "Starlet" talent, where a player gets 3x his usual XP for his first 3 years and 0.5x his usual XP for the rest of his career.

So, for instance

15 year old youth gets 9 years XP until his 18, then gets a further 6 years XP until he is 30 = 15 years XP in 15 years.

The difference is that he would become a useful player in the team by the time that he is 18, and is maybe stay there for 10 seasons, rather than having to go through 6 years of U21s and a couple of seasons out on loan, before getting into the team.

This would be a natural talent, obviously.
au davo
kn Nehemiah >> luni mai 23 - 10:26
@Davo Think that would be too strong, 9 years of experience at 18 with no aging factor influence would make him incredibly strong.
kn Nehemiah
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nl Vince Dean >> luni mai 23 - 10:37
It would also make the -21 matches and cups useless, because starlets would be way too strong.
nl Vince Dean
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us Peter >> marţi iunie 21 - 12:58
How about a special attribute that makes a player's skills decrease slower? So he can still be a good player by say, age 30?
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nz Luke Broadcast >> marţi iunie 21 - 13:16
i have a player aged 31y41w and he is still perfectly fine
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit
kn Nehemiah >> marţi iunie 21 - 13:18
Fixed skills perhaps, not trainables though, too powerful
kn Nehemiah
Nou venit
us Peter >> marţi iunie 21 - 13:18
Ahh, the legend Borban
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers