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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

World Transfer Talk (211)

eng holt >> vineri iulie 5 - 18:27

126 mn is going to be a very heavy price tag.However,with the departure of Rodri and Griezmann,he would have a more principal role to play.

eng holt
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ro Andrei >> vineri iulie 5 - 18:46
Speaking of new managers ... Chelsea signed their old captain, Mr. Frank Lampard.
ro Andrei
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ee Taavi >> vineri iulie 5 - 19:31

Cool :o

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
pt Sir Alex >> vineri iulie 5 - 21:03

127.2M ... AM also pay 1.2M to Porto cool

Anyway Benfica only will get 120M and need to pay 12M to Jorge Mendes undecided

pt Sir Alex
eng holt >> sâmbătă iulie 6 - 03:13

Lampard is gonna have the toughest task faced by any Chelesa manager in recent years:

Transfer Ban,Star Player Departure,RLC and CHO long term injuries,no establish strikers(Lots of Giroud rumors) and the fact that Lampard is hopelessly inexperienced.

eng holt
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ee Taavi >> sâmbătă iulie 6 - 04:56

Hes gonna win prem now

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
ee Balthazor >> sâmbătă iulie 6 - 19:19

Anything new about Man City investigation? If they should get euro ban, how long sheikhs would continue pumping money to club? It would probably give to Liverpoop their long-waited championship or there can be another Leicester taking it away?

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng holt >> duminică iulie 7 - 03:43

@Balthazor Cant say if trolling but okay.

Fahrmann to Norwich on loan is one of the most random transfers this summer.

Did anyone see Argentina VS Chile?

eng holt
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eng holt >> vineri iulie 12 - 13:47

Griezmann to Barcelona.Suarez surely on his way out.

eng holt
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my Kesvick >> luni iulie 15 - 04:29

Oh, God, to be an Arsenal fan during this stage...

I need to play Football Manager again and 'correct' it.

my Kesvick
Nou venit
eng holt >> marţi iulie 16 - 11:28
@Kesvick I see what you did there,but even then the transfer would probably get hung up due to wages.

FM needs to close that Pandora box though.It really helps no one.
eng holt
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ng Ayom_de >> duminică iulie 21 - 21:53

arsenal is really trying in their pre season campaign

i hope they carry this form into the league

ng Ayom_de
Nou venit

I was surprised to see Tottenham won against Juventus too. 

us Stephen(Seaburn Beach)'s Wicked(Fuck fake Friends)
Nou venit
cn Genshin Impact >> miercuri iulie 24 - 08:47


Yep, waiting for some big deals. I am expecting Everton Soares's coming. 

cn Genshin Impact
bf Sun of Alres
pal N10 >> joi iulie 25 - 02:29

Boca waiting for De Rossi. A few days ago it seemed like a joke. 

pal N10
co Deportivo Dynamo