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Engleză >> Sugestii

Important New special attributes (231)

cn Jin >> miercuri mai 3 - 11:08
Nervous (or sth like that): Opposite to "tournament player", "nervous" players play very well in leagues but get a penalty in tournament games. Also gets a small penalty in shooting penalties, if that makes sense.
cn Jin
hr Eddie >> miercuri mai 3 - 11:12
Maybe "Tense" would be a better word, but I get the point.
hr Eddie
Nou venit
ro ALEX >> miercuri mai 3 - 11:16
I found a Better name: "League player" :)
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> miercuri mai 3 - 11:58
Alcoholic - gets -1 ball of stamina
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
pl MAT >> miercuri mai 3 - 17:47
for alcoholic additional - sometimes we see "Today not play, him drunk"
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
cn Jin >> joi mai 4 - 11:58
Why not just "unprofessional jerk", and we could have

"Today not play, drunk"
"Today not play, partied too hard last night"
"Today not play, ate too much pizza at dinner"
"Today not play, lit house on fire"
"Today not play, dating supermodel"
"Today not play, playing PS4 instead"
"Today not play, playing Rocking Soccer instead"

and then, "sold to the bank for 3,000 RSD"
cn Jin
ro Andrei >> joi mai 4 - 13:39
This isn't Sunday League, Jin. :)
ro Andrei
Nou venit
eng Dragontao >> joi mai 4 - 19:36
Some of us still have teams on Sunday League lol
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
cn Jin >> sâmbătă mai 6 - 12:55
lol man that's a brutal comment
cn Jin
ee Taavi >> sâmbătă mai 6 - 12:59
Maybe add something like slow as a counter to short :D -0.5 balls speed
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
cn Jin >> sâmbătă mai 6 - 13:23
Agree with @Taavi. Maybe add the -0.5 speed to "tall".

In general I think more neutral attributes will make the game more fun. I realize that "hard working" players tend to have lower talent, so maybe there can be an "unprofessional" trait, as a counter to "hardworking" (i.e. 25% less games with exp), but "unprofessional" players can have slightly higher talent (thinking Mario Balotelli).
cn Jin
ee Taavi >> sâmbătă mai 6 - 14:00
Yeah neutral skills are fun , so you have to build around the ups and downs
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
eng Dragontao >> sâmbătă mai 6 - 21:07
I like some of the ideas for new traits.

That said, the trouble with additional neutral traits is they are largely pointless and more undesirable traits are just going to lead to more unwanted players and higher prices and more lotteries than ever. Luck in youth centre pulls and luck in lotteries will add to the random factor and detract from skill when it comes to winning anything.

I'd prefer to see something introduced that involves more skill in the development of players.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
cn Jin >> miercuri mai 10 - 13:41
Yea more trainable attributes would also be great. And perhaps even more "neutral" trainable attributes that allow for more specialized players, such as "winger".
cn Jin
ro ✣✤❄✸● ☠☢☣ ●✸❄✤✣ >> miercuri mai 10 - 14:46
I would like to see some special attributes which show the effect of the gameplay on the player development. At the moment, we have position training, which only shows the fact that a player is being played in his position.

- Natural Forward (natural non-trainable): receives 5XP for a goal scored. Bonus is 1XP in friendlies.
- Reflex (natural non-trainable): receives 1XP for any shot blocked during a match. Not applicable for friendlies.
- Precision (natural non-trainable): receive 3XP for any assist performed (only player initializing the pass). Bonus is 1XP in friendlies.
- Motivated (natural non-trainable): receive 2XP for a lost game. Not applicable for friendlies.
ro ✣✤❄✸● ☠☢☣ ●✸❄✤✣
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