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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

The worry about Coronavirus-2019 (198)

eng Dragontao >> miercuri aprilie 8 - 22:11

If anyone really thinks, in this day and age, that it wouldn't come out if Boris wasn't in need of the treatment he is receiving, they are misguided.

For another thing, knowing there is every chance someone would leak such information, knowing what a PR disaster it would be, they would be beyond stupid to contemplate it.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
au davo >> joi aprilie 9 - 01:28

Im not suggesting that his condition is not a concern, what I am suggesting is that the importance of his position in government would require that he was given more attention than may be afforded to a general member of the public. It would not be a great scenario if a major world leader was to die of this and it therefore makes sense to act on the cautious side.

This being said, this is a phenomenal PR opportunity for the government and Boris in particular. He is not really seen as a man of the people, so getting the virus an ending up in intensive care will result in a big swell of support for him. Assuming he recovers well, he will become a lot more relatable.

au davo
eng Dragontao >> joi aprilie 9 - 04:05

A major plus to this, if the profile of the NHS wasn't already high enough at the moment, would any Tory now dare to do anything to damage the NHS. That would be political suicide.  So this could be a good thing for all of us in the UK.

In terms of him being a man of the people, I don't believe any politician fits that category anymore. Especially not an Eton educated one. He will try to give his best impression of a man of the people though. As for a PR opportunity, no politician is going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2