Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

how old is everone here? (242)

in Keju >> miercuri mai 3 - 05:00
in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
eng holt >> duminică iulie 7 - 05:01

I wonder if there are any <18 managers here.

eng holt
Nou venit
my Kesvick >> duminică iulie 7 - 10:54

How old are you?

my Kesvick
Nou venit
eng holt >> duminică iulie 7 - 13:23

@Kesvick Guess.

Hint:I'm part of the all exclusive 6 year club. 

eng holt
Nou venit
my Kesvick >> duminică iulie 7 - 15:14


my Kesvick
Nou venit
eng holt >> duminică iulie 7 - 15:35


eng holt
Nou venit
il Numpty >> duminică iulie 7 - 22:06, Editat duminică iulie 7 - 22:08

I didn't realise I was playing with so many youngsters. :D

I'm old enough to remember:

  • Cassius Clay before he changed his name
  • Asking "who is JFK?"
  • England winning the World Cup 
  • The moon landings
  • The Beatles
  • The Mods and Rockers
  • The Great Train Robbery
  • The Aberfan disaster

Oh! and the Mini Skirt tongue-out

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Taavi >> luni iulie 8 - 02:36

Im 29 already ... everything hurts, but that might be constant gym

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
eng holt >> luni iulie 8 - 02:58

@Numpty What do youngsters have to say about you?tongue-out

@Taavi Gymming everyday seems overkill,but it depends on your goal.

eng holt
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> luni iulie 8 - 07:04

@holt , not every day , but every day off work :D

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
eng Kay >> luni iulie 8 - 08:30, Editat luni iulie 8 - 08:33

I'm 41 and I have often thought we could all have a proper profile page where you can put stuff like that and maybe post a pic of yourself if you wanted. What do you guys think.  

eng Kay
ss Deim Zubeir
nl Vince Dean >> luni iulie 8 - 09:48

Maybe we could also create an option so that managers could get married with eachother.

Sounds like fun!

nl Vince Dean
Nou venit
eng Kay >> luni iulie 8 - 10:20

Not quite what I meant lol.

eng Kay
ss Deim Zubeir
ee Taavi >> luni iulie 8 - 10:25

Hi im Taavi , 29 , athletic , intelligent but sadly hot tempered , lazy and roaming

I am a right winger looking for a keeper. Has to be agile and hardworking , fixed stats dont matter because they are trainable. No u21s

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
eng holt >> luni iulie 8 - 11:30

@Taavi Damn,its gonna take me 5 years before I break out of the u-21 squad.

@Kay No thanks.If the players could get a facelift then.....

eng holt
Nou venit