Forum: Engleză rss-feed

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Engleză >> Întrebări

Sprinter (7)

pl Ace >> duminică aprilie 7 - 21:45
I have a question regardin special attribute: Sprinter.
Does it add 2 balls to speed then a player is moving with the ball.
He gets extra speed when runing into the zone, where the ball actually is?
pl Ace
nl Vincent de Boer >> luni aprilie 8 - 08:09
It's the latter, I see the description in english is kind of ambiguous. I'll make it more clear.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
nl Anders_D >> luni aprilie 8 - 19:36
what's the max amount of stars you can have? If you have a player with speed 4+2 bonus, will it be 6 or is the max speed 5?
nl Anders_D
nl FC Beawulf
nl Vincent de Boer >> luni aprilie 8 - 19:39
There is no maximum.
nl Vincent de Boer
Dezvoltator şef
pl Ace >> luni aprilie 8 - 19:51
I think there is a maximum for a talent...
pl Ace
nl Balladeer >> marţi aprilie 9 - 10:41
what do you think the max is? I've seen 5.35...
nl Balladeer
pl Ace >> miercuri aprilie 10 - 05:58
Well, I was sure it was 5, but now I do not know. I know the maximum for a youth center is to generete 5-ball talent, but I know sometimes, there can be higher talents then that.
pl Ace