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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

Some humour (5)

ee onuelver >> sâmbătă ianuarie 14 - 22:52
This puking hedgehog is called "Estonian new brand" and cost 200,000€...
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee Balthazor >> duminică ianuarie 15 - 07:39
I suspected, that cow had diarrhea or it's another cloud (of poison?) like previous brand was.
Designers' idea was a giant boulder Estonia is famous for, but why it should be such colour? Probably "designed" by someone's 3yo child, who played with MS Paint.
ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ca Sadrudin >> marţi ianuarie 17 - 22:52
My class (Grade 8) had to listen a bit to these songs in math and science class!:

"Cell Rap":
"Circle Song":

We even listened to this song for a bit:

"The Pi Song":
ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> luni ianuarie 23 - 23:28
ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ee Balthazor >> vineri septembrie 29 - 19:21

Just watched local TV show where local celebrities must guess some songs and answer some questions. One local one-hit-singer(ofcourse blonde) got question "After which writer is named our local humour prize?" and she offered our maybe most depressing writer/poet stupid-blind-deaf one person can be? Its overshadowing local legendary stupid answer from "Who wants to be millionaire?" when was asked US president Lincoln's first name and someone chose Malcolm (our representer on ESC 2010 picked later their band's name after that answer).

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn