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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

The worry about Coronavirus-2019 (198)

eng Stephen >> duminică martie 15 - 13:12

@Numpty - thankfully I live in a semi-rural location, so I have ready to access to a bountiful supply of leaves. Note to self: avoid thistles and nettles.

eng Stephen
Admin şef
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> duminică martie 15 - 17:27, Editat duminică martie 15 - 17:58

Better be careful you don't collect any squirrels with those leaves. I hear they like nuts ...

I went to my local (very large) supermarket this afternoon; it's supposed to be one of the largest in the country. It wasn't very busy, perhaps quieter than normal but it seemed a little disorganised. Some aisles were entirely empty, with many empty shelves in other aisles and there were also empty pallets, with cardboard boxes and trays just lying around. There were no loo rolls and very low stock levels of cleaning products and also things like tea and coffee were in short supply. 

It seems to be a case of panic buying causing even more panic. 

I spoke to one old fellow that I knew (he's 92) and told him to be careful as he's obviously in the high risk group. He said he didn't really care because if his time was up then it was up. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Dragontao >> duminică martie 15 - 19:20

I've a stock of old Newspapers which are for lining pet cages, luckily I have plenty so the good old fashioned newspaper method may be coming back very soon.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng holt >> luni martie 16 - 16:18

Nice.All the essential foods are sold out here.

They may have to shift the Olympics after all(espicially since cases are now on a rise outside of China)

eng holt
Nou venit
il Numpty >> luni martie 16 - 16:36

*Looks for newspapers with pictures of Jeremy Corbyn on the front cover*

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Ar4ers >> luni martie 16 - 17:22

UK has good PM

No lockdowns and PM said - you will loose beloved ones

lv Ar4ers
lv Rīgas Dinamo
il Numpty >> luni martie 16 - 18:39, Editat luni martie 16 - 18:53

Latest news from the UK, Mon 16th March. 

  • 1,543 confirmed cases (+171)
  • 55 deaths (+20)
  • the disease is accelerating, the UK is now approaching the fast growth part
  • the UK is three weeks behind Italy
  • London is a few weeks ahead of the rest of the UK

The PM has just given the following advice:

  • everyone in the UK should avoid non-essential travel and social contact with others
  • avoid bars, clubs, theatres and restaurants
  • people should work from home where possible
  • pregnant women, people over the age of 70 and those with certain health conditions should take particular care
  • those with the most serious health conditions must be shielded from social contact for around 12 weeks
  • if one person in any household starts to display symptoms, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days
  • don't use the NHS unless absolutely necessary
  • no school closures yet
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> luni martie 16 - 20:01

Working from home tomorrow.

Pro: more time to peruse the transfer market and approve transfers.

Con: erm...

eng Stephen
Admin şef
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Dragontao >> luni martie 16 - 22:31

Waiting for a lot of gigs I have coming up to be cancelled. A lot of small bands will be affected by this. As will many small businesses.

I'm fortunate in that I can do a lot of my work from home, have to go into the office this week though.

My girlfriend is German. She was supposed to be coming over at the beginning of April and we had holiday planned. She can't travel now.

Her parents are in a high risk group, my parents are in a high risk group (and not listening to advice - seriously, when your parents get old, it's like having young kids I think I'm going to have to ground them). 

Apart from other things, this virus is exposing serious flaws in the global capitalistic economy.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
pt Sir Alex >> marţi martie 17 - 00:22

Good luck to everyone.

pt Sir Alex
il Numpty >> marţi martie 17 - 01:45, Editat marţi martie 17 - 01:52

Just heard from my daughter who has been on annual leave for the last week from her job as a doctor in a large teaching hospital in the south-east. The hospitals seem to be a major source of infection. On her last day in work she started to feel a little unwell and then developed the known symptoms of the illness over the next few days. 

She called occupational health and left messages but has been unable to get through to them, so hasn't yet been tested to see if she has the virus. She has been self-isolating but obviously can't return to work. 

So it seems they can't even test the doctors that need testing. You just couldn't make it up ... 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ro Andrei >> marţi martie 17 - 04:03
All the best to your daughter, Numpty.
ro Andrei
Nou venit

All the best to her too.

hopefully this thing won't hit us because it will finish half of the country, or people in here will always do the negative if they are tested positive for the illness, which will definitely increase the numbers. And fearfully soldier's will be forced to become a doctor, you can imagine when an army wants to give a civilian injection. 

hr Evil_C >> marţi martie 17 - 11:03

This link below gives a pretty good idea how the virus spreads and how measures to slow it down work. In Croatia we haven't had many confirmed cases so far, but all schools have been shut down, with e-learning organised where possible, anyone who can works from home, everyone over 65 has been suggested not to leave their homes, bars and restaurants are not closed yet, but might as well, as no one's going out.

People got scared shitless because of Italy. Otherwise, the majority would have probably ignored the warnings.

hr Evil_C
hr DPH Podsused
eng holt >> marţi martie 17 - 14:43

Considering that we still do not have a definite timeframe within which things could return to a state of normalency, how does one judge the economic impact it will have?

eng holt
Nou venit