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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

Found the Oldest Team (96)

us Peter >> sâmbătă martie 4 - 23:09
This team had me laughing. It's literally a bunch of grandpas playing football.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ee Taavi >> sâmbătă martie 4 - 23:15
Peter , sensitivity please , some people here are same age

Am i right Dragontao?
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
hr Eddie >> sâmbătă martie 4 - 23:21
hr Eddie
Nou venit
us Peter >> duminică martie 5 - 00:17
Seriously, what is this manager doing? :D
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
eng Dragontao >> duminică martie 5 - 00:17
Hmmmph, yes Taavi, but my endurance is much better than that bunch. Plus with age comes experience!
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng footy9999 >> duminică martie 5 - 09:01
peter that's what I'm trying to figure out
eng footy9999
Nou venit
ro Andrei >> duminică martie 5 - 09:33
If you are that curious, mate ... ask him. :)
ro Andrei
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> duminică martie 5 - 14:26
Maybe he got a VIP status for a long time, but has also been inactive for a long time too. This might reflect what I am saying:
ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> duminică martie 5 - 20:19
At 52 years old and 1.35 rated Brad Crawford must have been a legend back in his day...
ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
eng footy9999 >> duminică martie 5 - 22:12
maybe like what rated
eng footy9999
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> duminică martie 5 - 22:17
This team might struggle to out a U-50 team together!
ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
eng footy9999 >> duminică martie 5 - 22:34
I really want to get him the cup next year
eng footy9999
Nou venit
ca Sadrudin >> duminică martie 5 - 23:09
ca Sadrudin
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> duminică martie 5 - 23:43, Editat duminică martie 5 - 23:43
Hope i can play him in the Champions League
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
us Mercuric >> luni martie 6 - 03:20, Editat luni martie 6 - 03:20
They've managed 1 goal this season and 165 goals against. In the third division of Scotland. Against bot teams.

I have to admire the manager for sticking with the game.
us Mercuric