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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

how old is everone here? (242)

ni Mr.Glass >> sâmbătă iunie 6 - 23:09
ni Mr.Glass
au Jason Kirkwood >> sâmbătă iunie 6 - 23:45
au Jason Kirkwood
Nou venit
vn Tak >> duminică iunie 7 - 02:14
vn Tak
Nou venit
ee onuelver >> duminică iunie 7 - 05:12
I'm 17
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
hr Eddie >> duminică iunie 7 - 06:51
Dragontao, it was 1993, but if he was 25 then, he's 47 now which is quite amazing. Though I do believe I'll be playing this game at that age, too, if it survives for that long. :D
hr Eddie
Nou venit
eng Monk >> duminică iunie 7 - 07:49
Quite amazing that I play the game at such an age, or that I am that age and can use a computer or quite amazing that I have lived that long? :-)

It helps my craving for problem solving, let's put it like that. The Abbot seems happy for me to play as he hasn't banned me yet!
eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
hr Eddie >> duminică iunie 7 - 08:02
Quite amazing that you play the game at this age, yes. But looking at myself, that's what I'll most probably be doing in 10 years, too. :)

LOL for comments about using a computer or living that long.
hr Eddie
Nou venit
eng Cloughie >> duminică iunie 7 - 09:20
32, I'll be leaving my log in details in my will for my children :-)
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
hr Eddie >> duminică iunie 7 - 09:37
Just make sure you leave them a username/password, too. :)
hr Eddie
Nou venit
eng Dragontao >> duminică iunie 7 - 09:58
Okay, okay. I'm 50, you're all youngsters. I've got to save Monk from being outed as potentially the oldest.

Probably explains why I'm such a cantankerous git. Not so surprising I use a computer though Eddie (before there are any comments about how I even manage to log on lol), as I was an I.T professional before I decided to move into environmental work (I'm also a science geek as well as a computer geek).

Being a former boxer and a martial artist since the age of 11, not to mention looking more like I should be working the door of some dodgy bar somewhere, I manage to keep the nerd well suppressed. :D
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng Cloughie >> duminică iunie 7 - 10:09
We shouldn't be closet nerds, I am captain of my football team always out in pubs etc etc, but my biggest passion is star trek!
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Dragontao >> duminică iunie 7 - 10:18
Live long and prosper Cloughie. Keeping an eye on the Star Trek: Renegades project?

Apart from being a Trek fan (plus all round sci-fi, horror and fantasy fan), I was also an avid comic book collector, music nut and film buff.

Great stuff for pub quizzes.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng Cloughie >> duminică iunie 7 - 10:22
Come and join my pub team- Norfolk and Chance :-)
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
kn Nehemiah >> duminică iunie 7 - 10:28
I am a second dan black belt in tae kwon do at my University where I am studying physiotherapy as well as actively pursuing the fairer sex. I play some other sports in my spare time and I am also a decent fencer.
kn Nehemiah
Nou venit
hr Eddie >> duminică iunie 7 - 10:37
Haha, good stuff. I'm a Star Trek fan, too, but not a Trekkie or Trekker, just a regular dude enjoying the show.

hr Eddie
Nou venit