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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

Închis World Cup (508)

ro Andrei >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 14:03
Besides the first 10 minutes, did France actually show anything on the pitch? I watched the first half and a summary of the second half ... I wasn't convinced that they deserved that win.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
ro Andrei >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 14:23
Holy crap, Halldorsson! Iceland still in the match.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
pt Sir Alex >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 14:46

Where is Messi?

pt Sir Alex
ro Andrei >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 14:55, Editat sâmbătă iunie 16 - 15:00
Final whistle. 1-1!!
Huge point for Iceland. First upset of the World Cup.

And I'd surely like to see Portugal try and beat Iceland. You did draw them 2 years ago. Care to try again? :)
ro Andrei
Nou venit
pt Sir Alex >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 15:05

If they appear along the way, it will be a pleasure to do this Andrei.

pt Sir Alex
us Peter >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 18:09

And a second upset soon followed with Denmark beating Peru.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ro Andrei >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 18:18
Happy for Denmark. Sorry, Peru, you had your chances.

And Alex ... go ahead. Think you'll find Iceland a very tough nut to crack.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
us Joey Zyla >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 18:37

I don't consider it an upset at all. If anything I'm surprised Peru had as many chances as they did against Denmark's usually very solid defense.

us Joey Zyla
ee Pärnu JK
pal N10 >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 18:38

Peru in the qualifiers always maked a lot of shots but they had no precision and the opponent scored.

36 years without playing a WC is too much and anxiety was noted.

pal N10
co Deportivo Dynamo
pt Sir Alex >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 19:48

Andrei it is true, here everybody is a very tough nut to crack but we need to crack them anyway. In the last Euro we just crack France, the others we just licked them and it was enough.

pt Sir Alex
ro Andrei >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 20:51
As far as they're concerned, you didn't beat them. Fact. :)
ro Andrei
Nou venit
pt Sir Alex >> sâmbătă iunie 16 - 21:38

True but you know this is not important anymore. We have the CUP cool

pt Sir Alex
ro Andrei >> duminică iunie 17 - 03:35
I know it is important from the point of view of the results. Iceland fans can honestly say: the European champs couldn't beat us. :)
ro Andrei
Nou venit
eng holt >> duminică iunie 17 - 07:08

And suddenly upsets don't look like upsets anymore.

eng holt
Nou venit
pt Sir Alex >> duminică iunie 17 - 11:36

Before we was also sometimes the moral champion, but no trophyes. It is better now with the trophy wink

pt Sir Alex