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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

Not Frustrated at all topic. Season 9-99 (9257)

eng Stephen >> duminică septembrie 15 - 06:36, Editat duminică septembrie 15 - 06:37

@Monk They can't be loaned with too much experience. But selling is fine. Only 5000 is retained for buyer to spend though. The rest is lost.

eng Stephen
Admin şef
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> duminică septembrie 15 - 09:52

Yes, exactly like Stephen says.

An update on the player.

He was promoted at age 13 from a YA5 with some useful specials. He got sold a few seasons later for around $50 million. His trained stats are probably around 1/3 of his accumulated xp and in my opinion his prospects are now similar to an older YA3 player.   

With more training he surely would have been worth at least 3 times that price. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets