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Engleză >> Fotbal din realitate

It's for the KOP (1052)

ro Andrei >> sâmbătă mai 11 - 13:51
This says it all.

The Anfield Miracle indeed.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
eng holt >> luni mai 13 - 02:19

I am completely devastated.What I posted four years ago  on this this thread  come back. 

"We still got a chance,west ham is'nt giving up so why should Liverpool? fans haven't given up the city has'nt given up. keep believing and never never lose hope.Miracles do happen like for Sunderland and give your best because a true fan never deserts his team during the darkest day of the club or the biggest miss.Keep beliving and see what it does

eng holt
Nou venit
ro Andrei >> luni mai 13 - 03:15, Editat luni mai 13 - 03:16
Actually it was 5 years ago and I don't get why you're so devastated.

Unless it's about the league, then I can understand.
ro Andrei
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> luni mai 13 - 06:52

Nonetheless Liverpool and Klopp have won over alot of fans :) Classy team

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
ro Andrei >> luni mai 13 - 13:37
Been a fan of Jurgen Klopp since 2012, when I first saw him managing Dortmund. :)
ro Andrei
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> sâmbătă iunie 1 - 21:01

Congrats Liverpool fans :) Hard not to root for Klopp

ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
rs Miki >> sâmbătă iunie 1 - 21:08

YNWA Liverpool champions

rs Miki
Nou venit
eng Lee >> sâmbătă iunie 1 - 22:52

Crap game - great result! Not a bad way to end a remarkable season.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Alex Seymour >> sâmbătă iunie 1 - 23:14, Editat sâmbătă iunie 1 - 23:15

The pitch invader was the best part from what I gather.

Congrats mate. Have a beer or three for me.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
ro Andrei >> duminică iunie 2 - 03:09
Finally, Jurgen. Finally. His first UCL trophy. Well done!
ro Andrei
Nou venit
eng holt >> duminică iunie 2 - 03:23, Editat duminică iunie 2 - 17:28
We've conquered all of Europe
We're never going to stop
From Paris down to Turkey
We've won the ROCKING lot
Bob Paisley and Bill Shankly
The fields of Anfield Road
We are loyal supporters
And we come from Liverpool

Allez Allez Allez
Allez Allez Allez
Allez Allez Allez
Allez Allez Allez

Some say it was a boring final,well it was because Klopp learned from his mistakes and decided to play a closed match,with the main focus on long through balls and long shots.

(Mod-edit: Yeah, I get that's the song. But that one word is not board-friendly. :)

And no editing over a mod-edit. Thanks.)
eng holt
Nou venit
eng Dragontao >> duminică iunie 2 - 14:05

Congrats to Liverpool keeping Chelsea as the only London club  to win the CL. I now hate Spurs even more for making me want Liverpool to win :(

Champions League though? A final won by a team who have not been champions since 1990 against a team who have not been champions since 1961. A large proportion of the teams in it aren't champions.The champions of some leagues don't make it to the proper competition while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place teams of some leagues do.

It's all about money.

The competition really needs a new name, because it is not a champions league.

Here's a novel idea, maybe something like the European Cup would be good!

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ca Alex Seymour >> duminică iunie 2 - 21:23

I like the old days when it wasn't seeded.

Sitting by the radio for the draw, holding your breath you don't get Juventus in the first round.

Your teams name is read out, home first leg, marvelous. Don't be Barcelona, hang on it's Widzew Łódź. Who the hell is that, how do you say it? Get the map out, time for tea, beans on toast. Marvelous.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
my Kesvick >> luni iunie 3 - 11:45


my Kesvick
Nou venit
eng holt >> luni iunie 3 - 14:43

@Alex You should then watch Europa League Qualifications.It's pure guts.

eng holt
Nou venit