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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10405)

lv Dainix >> marţi iulie 30 - 08:55

If office staf is removed, the infrastructure of 2 employees does not remove employee, but only his bonus.

lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
il Numpty >> marţi iulie 30 - 12:29

What's your evidence for this @Dainix?

In my experience the double staff do get removed, which is how it should work.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Dainix >> marţi iulie 30 - 14:56, Editat marţi iulie 30 - 14:57

Expierence by myself when my office worker retired.

lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
il Numpty >> marţi iulie 30 - 18:29, Editat marţi iulie 30 - 18:31

On the first point, keeping your double staff is not proof that's how it normally works.  The only thing that is clear is that sometimes they do get removed and sometimes they don't.

On the second point, I would very much doubt that the bonus of the double staff is lost if you still have them both in place. I would need to see much stronger evidence than your recollection of one past event.

Either way you are supposed to have an office staff in order to have a second staff member in one of your facilities. If they don't get removed automatically then it's a bug. And it's against the rules if you take advantage of a bug by not reappointing an office staff.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
lv Dainix >> marţi iulie 30 - 20:37

I replaced him right away, so i dint think it was anything important at that moment. But before i put back in the employee at office, i noticed that the second staff member bonuss has disappeared ( at that time i had 2 staff at construction master) and my construction time increased.

lv Dainix
lv SK Latgols
ee Balthazor >> marţi august 6 - 20:12

Someone should fire my board. Their demand to use best players against mid-table opponent probably cost me one euro round and they continue whining every day, when I try to give some experience to younger players. I plan anyway big sellout and buying new generation, so I would be pleased to not qualifying to euros as I will not be there very competitive, but now it's impossible. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng wonderlust >> joi august 15 - 22:05

eng wonderlust
eng Forever We Are Wolves
eng wonderlust >> vineri august 16 - 22:03

My turn this time

eng wonderlust
eng Forever We Are Wolves
in viktor >> sâmbătă august 17 - 18:39, Editat sâmbătă august 17 - 18:44

I think the teams that "seem" to benefit or benefit more tend to be more active in the transfer market. And that random postulate is based on not enough people having found the cookie cutter approach for one to share it  or rather for me to have read it.

Edit : Also posting about it here during a solar flare of certain specific strength helps lol 

in viktor
in Air FC
il Numpty >> sâmbătă august 17 - 21:43

In effect it's just another bug. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets