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Engleză >> Discuţii generale

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10414)

hr Eddie >> sâmbătă iulie 16 - 17:27
If you guys keep looking at total shots as something relevant, you'll always be stuck in this topic.
hr Eddie
Nou venit
us Peter >> sâmbătă iulie 16 - 17:30, Editat sâmbătă iulie 16 - 17:31
Okay. I had... Let's see: more possession, more throw-ins, more corners, more free kicks, no cards, and higher crossing accuracy.
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
hu MacikaG >> sâmbătă iulie 16 - 17:33
What about zero shots with high risk? :-)
hu MacikaG
Admin comunitate
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
es Manu >> sâmbătă iulie 16 - 22:07, Editat sâmbătă iulie 16 - 22:08
Three own goals in the match and mended of 4 goals in 20 minutes. Very intelligent and logical the game jajaja
es Manu
Admin comunitate
es Rayo Manzanares
hr Eddie >> sâmbătă iulie 16 - 22:20
Hard to comment without knowing both advanced settings.
hr Eddie
Nou venit
es Manu >> sâmbătă iulie 16 - 22:27, Editat sâmbătă iulie 16 - 22:29
The advanced settings give equal. It is absurd to increase goals with own goals.

Remount 4 goals in 20 minutes is curiosity. It makes no sense but it is curious.

Rayo Manzanares: Default
Fuente de la Cibeles: Playing tie.

Advanced settings nothing exaggerated
es Manu
Admin comunitate
es Rayo Manzanares
nz Luke Broadcast >> duminică iulie 17 - 08:41
Eddie, please do not try to explain users how that works. You are not 100% right, this frustrates them even more. A lot still has to do with luck. Yes, Mavi said he puts in a lot of effort to study opponents and it has worked for him. I have reached twice in CL top 4 in last 3 seasons without much effort. I consider myself very lucky if i win with shots 4-26 with normal shooting. I never analyzed matches before Koen, joest5 and Kezza, just trusted my gut. Shots/attempts still show a lot, not everything of course, but you get a full picture if you look at the stats.
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit
no Roberto >> duminică iulie 17 - 09:16

What's wrong with this game? :(
no Roberto
Nou venit
hr Eddie >> duminică iulie 17 - 10:42
You're right. Let the frustration topic be just that.
hr Eddie
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> duminică iulie 17 - 16:06
Lost 2-0 in europe and for the home game reports are insane , from 5 shows 3x 3-3 draws , 6-2 win for me and 2-5 win for him and as many reports i generate , its usually in that range :D
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
nz Luke Broadcast >> duminică iulie 17 - 20:02, Editat duminică iulie 17 - 20:06

well, now im confident defensive game plans are overpowered. not going my way at all at the moment :D

7 points behind the leader after 4 rounds played. crazy :)

damn, thats exactly what Eddie wants :DDDD
nz Luke Broadcast
Nou venit
ee Taavi >> luni iulie 18 - 05:12
On 22.07 why the heck is the interland before the EQ? will have to play with tired players? cant rotate whole NT ...
ee Taavi
Admin comunitate
ee FC Pusa
ee EIZ >> luni iulie 18 - 08:19, Editat luni iulie 18 - 08:19
less than 4 hours apart, not cool.
ee EIZ
Nou venit
eng Yid >> luni iulie 18 - 17:14
So i go into a home game against a slightly weaker team with a game plan. i outplay my opponent who has no game plan at all but loose simply because my goal keeper may as well have not be there (only 3 shots to save but conceads 3 goals) in the first half. Well that works then not
eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
eng Cloughie >> luni iulie 18 - 19:27
I have never been angry with this game but this takes the biscuit
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies