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Engleză >> Competiţii

League of the Philippines/NT of the Philippines (1416)

ph 保级队求轻虐 >> luni iulie 13 - 15:01
lost to Garf 2-5
ph 保级队求轻虐
ua Garfman >> luni iulie 13 - 16:05
That seemed like a fair result, considering the amount of chances. Considering I haven't sold any first team players, the team is even stronger this year. Hopefully we can challenge the current King of the Philippines :-)
ua Garfman
Admin şef comunitate
ph Garfman FC
ph Flora >> marţi iulie 14 - 09:34
thank you
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ca Nicolas >> joi iulie 16 - 16:34
After selling a player worth 6 millions for 1/3 of his value, I finally have enough money to upgrade my youth center to level 9!
ca Nicolas
Nou venit
ua Garfman >> joi iulie 16 - 18:56
Awesome, congratulations, Floyd :-D
ua Garfman
Admin şef comunitate
ph Garfman FC
ua Garfman >> joi iulie 16 - 18:57
Btw, Floyd, I would suggest that you put another staff member in your TC. It'll help your training a lot :-)
ua Garfman
Admin şef comunitate
ph Garfman FC
ca Nicolas >> vineri iulie 17 - 05:03
Thanks, I didn't know I'm allowed to put two coaches in the same facility
ca Nicolas
Nou venit
ca Nicolas >> vineri iulie 17 - 05:08
I'm not having a good start, I still haven't won after 3 games and in the last game, I scored at the 2nd minute and I lost 2-1. I had 20 shots, but only 4 of them were on target. :/
ca Nicolas
Nou venit
ua Garfman >> vineri iulie 17 - 06:49
When you have someone in the office, it allows to put one extra coach in a facility of your choosing. I personally think that the most efficient way to do that would be to put two coaches on TC.

Sucks about your just appears that you are having some bad luck at the moment. Don't worry, it will change soon enough, your team is one of the stronger ones in league 2.
ua Garfman
Admin şef comunitate
ph Garfman FC
ca Nicolas >> duminică iulie 19 - 18:52
I finally won 3-0 last game.
ca Nicolas
Nou venit
ph Flora >> luni iulie 20 - 13:57
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ua Garfman >> luni iulie 20 - 14:01
ua Garfman
Admin şef comunitate
ph Garfman FC
ph Flora >> marţi iulie 21 - 07:05
own goal 1:1
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ua Garfman >> marţi iulie 21 - 07:34
The result was fair, though :-)
ua Garfman
Admin şef comunitate
ph Garfman FC
ph Flora >> marţi iulie 21 - 09:05
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora