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English >> Questions

Transfer system (15)

it fabregas >> friday april 26 - 10:54
I was trying to buy a 20 years old player today, he had offers from 2 teams (me and another human user) both over the asking price. Even if I'm sure that I made the highest bid, the player decided to move to the other team for a lower offer so I'm trying to understand what happened. As far as I know, the team who bought that player has:

- 1/3 of my popularity

- no U21 squad (while I got Youth Center lvl3 and many youth players)

- the player was from andorra and moved to a swedish team, so i dont think it has to deal with nationality or language factors.

Can someone explain to me how this works? Thanks :)
it fabregas
Community admin
it Pro Vasto 1902
cn protein >> friday april 26 - 11:14, Edited friday april 26 - 11:42
Hi fab, there are some factors as you can see there of your winning chance on a player:

Money: The higher the better I think

Country: If you have at least 2 players from this country, you get a 'Yes' on this column.
Language: If you have at least 4 players who has the same (first) language, you get a 'Yes' on this column.
Age: If you have at least 5 players with less than a year's age difference with the player, you get a 'Yes' on this column.
Value: If the player can be a regular first team member for the line-ups and he isn't much stronger than your other players, you get a 'Yes' on this column.

If you place more money or get more 'Yes' on this player, your winning chance will increase.

It has nothing to do with your popularity, U21 squad, or any other things I suppose.

I hope you were just unlucky fab... :) He was transfered to a Finnish club by the way.

You can know more in the help:
cn protein
it fabregas >> friday april 26 - 11:37
Thanks mate. I had noticed the four columns on the transfer page, well I still remember I had just a YES in the Age column, while the other team had just a YES in the Value column. Then I guess the "Value" factor must have key importance or at least it must be more important than "Age" factor, because it was enough to make the player accept a lower offer. In the end it makes some sense, the young player decided to join a team where he has chances to play in the starting XI :) It would be nice if we get to know the importance of each factor through users experience.
it fabregas
Community admin
it Pro Vasto 1902
pl Anomander >> friday april 26 - 11:38
And don't forget about the randomness factor - even if you have 99% chance to get a certain player he still could choose the other club. A certain amount of luck is needed with transfers here.
pl Anomander
au Mr Legs >> friday april 26 - 12:50, Edited friday april 26 - 12:52
You just have to look at the % chance to win - that is what it is a chance. I lost out on a player today, where I made the highest bid, but I had only one of the boxes ticked. So I was only a 24% chance, where someone bidding lower had a 42% chance. I'm not sure who was picked, but it could even have been one of the 17% chances.

The way I look at it is not that I had a 24% chance to win, but a 76% chance he would go elsewhere (which is what he did, so it went with the odds). But you will win some & you will lose some, so you just have to reload & target another player.
au Mr Legs
br Irvine Kinneas >> friday april 26 - 13:46
Yes. There are a lot of ramdom, but value is so much important. And i am trying to prove the point that if you request one player for transfer you kind of have some advantage. It happened some times with me. Players that i searched and made them available to transfer, i almost always win the bidding. Maybe coincidence, but it is funny to buy and sell players (:
br Irvine Kinneas
br Irvine Kinneas >> friday april 26 - 13:47
And about funny i mean, i like it. The system and how it happens.
br Irvine Kinneas
it fabregas >> friday april 26 - 14:28
Okay so I had an higher offer and a yes on Age, the guy had a yes on Value and a lower offer, chances turned out to be 50-50%.

I agree with you Legs and Anomader, in the end I think this is the point: before we bid, we dont know how much is the offer and also which are the other clubs bidding. So we can't verify if they have players from the same country, age and other valuable infos to keep in mind before making an offer.

Now, I accept how the whole transfer system is built, spending credits on bids and the cap on offers can avoid crazy behaviors. But my question is: considering that the majority of users here are not V.I.P. wouldn't it be more fair if we (all) could know at least which clubs are involved in the auction, before spending a credit for our bid?
it fabregas
Community admin
it Pro Vasto 1902
at schorny >> friday april 26 - 16:07
This would be pointless. Because new Teams can join the auction anytime anyway. So it would be best to join the auction just 1sec before it ends.

Which would be very very very bad.

People who can't be online that exact Minute would have a major disadvantage.

The current system is very good.
at schorny
vu Amun-Ra >> friday april 26 - 23:42
I lost all my bids versus other teams.

One I lost while I was behind (46%-54%) I even offered 20K more on that player, but he rejected my offer and choose the other team for the same amount I bid (got it in a message that rumours had it he moved for 240K while that was my offer and his value little above 210K)

An other I lost even though I raised my odds from 54%-46% to 64%-36% after having raised my offer because I really needed the guy even though I was already in favor. But I lost it anyways :(

And a third one I lost 50=50 to a guy who entered the bidding one or 2 hours before

Luckily I won 7 bids who had no other players involved in the bidding
vu Amun-Ra
it fabregas >> saturday april 27 - 09:59
@schorny: maybe you misunderstood what i said before. I'm not asking to show us the monetary amount of every bid on a certain player, I'm just asking if we could see at least the names of the clubs who already made an offer. I dont think this would disvantage anyone :)
it fabregas
Community admin
it Pro Vasto 1902
au Mr Legs >> saturday april 27 - 13:39
I'm not sure I agree with seeing the names of the other clubs before you bid. Personally I would abuse such information. I would check what players are being bid for by my rivals & then try & outbid them. I already try & do this if I see their names after I bid on a player. If I had access to this info, I would spend far too much time checking out all the players being bid on & making sure I was in the market for any good stars that would strengthen my rivals teams.

So I reckon leave it as it is.
au Mr Legs
sco Arno Wiersma >> saturday april 27 - 17:53
Personaly I would prefer an (additional) option to agree a tranfer of a player with another club without the player being put on the Marketplace. The player should ofcourse never be sold under market value, maybe the minimum price should be considerably above market value for this option. But there probably would be risks of abuse.

As to showing the teams who have made bids on a player: I don't think that information should be public. You could try to block certain players that way (like Mr Legs mentioned).

I'm not even sure if you should show how many bids there are on a player; it is tempting now to bid on a player when there are 4 bids already, so it goes into a next round of bidding and thereby raising the price for the others. If you knew who was bidding on the player that would be another way to hurt rivals.
sco Arno Wiersma
jp sushieater >> saturday april 27 - 19:04
I used to bid some player who has already 4 bidders (if I have enough money to do that) :-)
jp sushieater
us puckett0713 >> saturday april 27 - 20:45
Some people might make a bid on someone if they see there 4 bids. I would use a credit to push the price up on someone if I wanted them to pay more and use another credit. Might be wrong but If I can hurt someones bank roll and make them use up credits they might not have enough another time to bid on someone else I might want. I would say get rid of the showing of how many ppl are bidding.
us puckett0713